Chapter 18 (continued) Completed

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"Would you zip me up please?" Camille turned her back to her husband as she made the request. It was her mother in law's birthday party and it was a huge event! Michael had told her in amusement that it was a yearly event and it had gotten bigger over the years. Their son was almost a year old and was already walking and saying one and two words. 
"I much prefer zipping you down," Michael said softly as he ran his hand over her bare flesh, his mouth seeking her neck.

 "We need to go and tuck Mark in before we join the party," she leaned back against him as he wrapped his hands around her waist. They had come over since last night at his mother's insistence and had spent the night. Both Marcus and Adele doted on their grandchild and could not spend enough time with him. 

"I love tucking the little man in but I also love spending time with my wife." he turned her around to face him. Her dress was a shimmery champagne colored silk and fitted her curvaceous petite body very well. Her hair was caught up on top of her head secured by pins. Diamond glinted at her lobes and she was wearing a beautiful platinum necklace with a teardrop diamond in her cleavage. It was a gift from her husband. "My beautiful wife," he murmured as he brushed her cheek gently. 
"I know it is your mother's birthday but I have a gift for you." she murmured as she ran her hands over his chest. His hair was brushed back from his face but a lock was escaping onto his forehead.


She took on of his hands and placed it on her flat stomach. "In about eight months give or take a day or two we will be having an addition to the family."

He went still and stared down at her, his blue eyes darkening. "You are pregnant?" he asked her hoarsely.

She nodded happily. "I hope it's a girl but I don't care-"

He cut her off with his lips crushing hers in a stunning kiss!

Camille's hands went around his neck as she opened her mouth beneath his. He pulled her closer to him, his hands gripping her derriere and bringing her up against his erection. She did not protest as he eased her away and slid the beautiful expensive dress from her body revealing the shimmering white teddy she had donned before putting on the dress.

"I will be quick," he whispered as he slid one side of the material away and his fingers found her.

"I don't care," she moaned, her back arched. 

"Oh God baby you are carrying my child," his voice broke as he released his erection and pushed her gently onto the bed. He entered her swiftly and groaned as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"I take it you are happy?" she asked him throatily as she clasped his face between her hands.

"Feel this," he said hoarsely, his eyes boring into hers as he pushed in deep. "I am on top of the world woman," he growled.

"Good," she brought his face down to hers and their lips met in a soul destroying kiss that had them shuddering from the impact!


"Where have you been?" Adele asked as she hurried over to them, looking stunning in a black gown that looked great against her complexion. "Or can I hazard a guess?" she asked dryly as she stared at her glowing daughter in law.

"We have news," Michael drawled, his hand tightening around his wife's waist possessively.

"We have guests darling-" she stopped and turned to them, her eyes widening. "Oh my darlings!" she gushed. "Another grandchild!" she pulled first Camille into her arms and then Michael, blinking back the tears from her eyes. 

Marcus came hurrying over. "What's going on?"

"Another grandchild darling," she took her husband's arm tightly as they both looked at the couple. "This is the best birthday present I could ever get."

"So the diamond bracelet I intend to give you does not count?" her husband teased her.

"What woman says no to diamonds?" she chided him. "Come on darlings we have kept our guests waiting long enough!"

The evening was one of elegance and an ambiance of celebration! Michael kept his arm around her not letting her out of his sight not that Camille minded a bit. She had never been so happy in her entire life! All the situations that had surrounded them had brought them  to this point. She had thought her life was over but in fact it had just begun. At one point they were separated, she sitting at a table with his mother and some of the other women there and he with his father and some of the men no doubt discussing business but as if by tacit agreement they both looked up at the same time and their eyes caught each other's. Even at that distance they both felt it, the pull, the magnet that brought each other closer no matter where they were. He broke away and so did she, meeting each other halfway.

"I love you," his hand caught hers and placed it over his beating heart. His blue eyes were dark and stormy as he looked down at her. "You are my life and without you I am nothing."

"I love you," she whispered tearfully. "I will always love you."

The emotions were bare and raw and for those who noticed them it was as if they were as one. 

"Do you think Mother would mind if we quit the scene?" he asked her huskily.

"I am sure she won't."

"Let's go."

They checked on Mark first who was sleeping on his back with his chubby arms spread wide and his long lashes sweeping his cheeks.

"He is so beautiful," Camille whispered as she stared down at her son.

"He is our son." Michael murmured. "Let's go to bed."


Later after he had made sweet love to her he placed his hand on her belly gently massaging her absently. "Mikalia if its a girl." she told him in a whisper as she placed her hand over his. "Mikalia Adele and Andrew if it is another boy."

"hmm," he swept her hair from her forehead and bent to kiss it. "Sounds good."

"I love working with the abused children so I think I will stick to that for now. Mark is growing up so fast that I don't want to miss a minute of his growing up." she murmured feeling sated and contented.

"Remember that tree house I said i wanted to build?"

"Yes." she laughed up at him. "We don't have a tree big enough to build a tree house darling."

"So we compromise. We build a house outdoors so Mark can play int there and be outdoors. And when our daughter comes along I plan to build the biggest dollhouse one has ever seen!"

"You are going to spoil her rotten aren't you?"
"Is it that obvious?" he murmured as he bent his head to kiss her cheek.

"Can I tell Peter?"

"Of course," his eyes met hers. "I have come a long way. I am no longer insecure around him and he has proven to be a good friend to you."

"And he adores Mark." Peter has been flying out to see them every now and then and had taken to Mark as his own. he was still not sure who he was right now but he was contented for the first time in his life and Camille made sure to check up on him.

"That put him in my good books."

"It's funny how life works out," she murmured as her husband pulled her into his arms. "You came into the hospital all that time ago and I never had any idea that you were my life.

"I always knew." he told her softly. "You told me to sit still and sat there with me and i knew that you were going to make an impact on my life."
"And you never stopped loving me."

"I couldn't." he said simply. "How does one stop loving?"

"They never do." she whispered as she reached for him!

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