Chapter 16 (continued)

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Their son Mark was a month old when it happened. Camille had made a home for them and had decided to take some time before she went back out to work. As Michael kept telling her there was no need for her to work anyway but she hated to stay home. he had hired a nanny for her and both of them took care of him. She bonded with her son and when Michael came home in the evenings they would spend time together as a family. Adele and Marcus treated her like their daughter and would come over very often. She had become complacent and too it for granted that they were safe from all dangers! She was too happy and it was too perfect and nothing was perfect was it?

It was after six when she noticed that he had not called her to tell her he was on his way the way he normally did. They had developed a routine! He would call her during the day and they would talk and when he was coming home he would call and say he was on his way home and ask her if he should pick something up for dinner.

She settled her son into his cot and called his phone. It went straight to voicemail and she left a message. "Hey. Just wondering how you have not called. Anyway just want to know that you are on your way. I made roast beef so no need to pick anything up."

She tidied the place and went back into the kitchen to finish the dinner. It was almost seven when she called again and it went to voicemail. "Hey baby you better not be having drinks with the guys and not call your wife," her voice sounded a little shaky and she could not stop the trepidation from coming forth. She hung up and called Adele.

"Darling the baby okay?"

"I have not heard from Michael." she too a deep breath and continued. "I am sure he is okay but he always call when he leaves the office and I have called him twice and his phone went straight to voicemail."

"I will call him. I am sure he is okay."

Camille went to check on her son who was still sleeping and waited to hear from Adele. But a knock sounded on her door and she hurried to answer it, stopping short as she saw the uniformed officers. "No." she held out a hand. "No."

"There was a pile up on the freeway and your husband is being rushed to the hospital Mrs. Ramsey," the female officer said sympathetically.

"My baby is sleeping." she turned around and did not know what to do.

"Do you want us to call someone for you?"

"My mother in law Adele."

"Adele Ramsey. We know of her." the officer took out her phone and dialed the number and explained the situation. "She is coming over."


A broken leg, cracked ribs and head trauma was not something she wanted to hear about her husband! The nanny had come over to stay with the baby in order for them to go on to the hospital. The Ramsey's had a lot of pull and the best surgeons were summoned. Even so it did not look good. "Tell us straight Randall," Marcus said to the doctor soberly.

The African American man glanced at Camille who had her hands wrapped around her middle for a moment and then spoke. "The bones will be set but he has swelling on the brain which is bothering us. We are doing all we can."

"I need to call Peter," Camille said numbly.

They turned to stare at her. "You are calling your ex husband?" Adele said a little disapprovingly.

"He is the best trauma surgeons there is." she looked at the doctor. "Please I have the utmost confidence in him and if anyone can help it is him."

"I agree." the man said with a nod.

Camille took out her phone and called him. "Hey Camille-"

"Michael has been in a bad accident and there is swelling of his brain. I need you."

"Let me talk to the doctor in charge."

She handed the phone to the man. "He wants to talk to you."

She watched as they spoke and saw when the doctor nodded and looked at her. He handed her back the phone. "Peter?"

"I will be right there."

"Thank you."


If there was one thing that Camille had it was faith and it had never let her down before. She had had a pretty rough life and faith and hope had always seen her through. It seems that at every turn of her life there were obstacles and challenges but she had learned that no matter what there was no point in giving up! Life came with challenges and disappointments and losses but you still go on. She loved Michael and her son and she knew that she could not keep them from danger. She also know that there was a bigger force at work and as much as the doctors were very good at their job, she always reached higher. She left Adele and Marcus in the waiting room and went to the chapel. It was empty except for an old woman who was sitting with her head bowed. She went quietly towards the front and sat with her head bow and her hands clasped. It had been three hours already and they were waiting. She whispered earnestly feeling the lightness replaced the heaviness in her heart as she prayed. "Dear God, I have not prayed much but I know you exist and I know you are present right here. I am asking you to hear me out and do what you do best. Heal, make things right and answer prayers. I have not come here only for my husband Michael but for all the people who were involved in that accident. We are newly weds God and you said in your words that you honor marriages. Please honor this one and please do not take Mark's dad away from him before he even knows him. We need him Lord and I am asking you right now to make it right even though I have no right to ask you something like this. I am not going to ask why these things keep happening to us! I am not even going to ask why me because I am not better than the millions of people going through tragic circumstances. I am simply asking for a chance for my family. Please deliver the way you did for Daniel in the lion's den and the Israelite's when they were in bondage. I am asking and believing that you are going to come through for us. Amen."

She lifted her head and looked at the depiction of Christ on the cross and made the sign of the cross. She sat there deep in thought and almost jumped out of her skin as she felt a touch on her arm. It was the old woman and she smiled at her kindly indicating that she moved over a little bit. Camille almost told her that she wanted to be alone but instead she did as she was requested and moved away a little bit.

"He is going to make it." she said softly.

"What?" Camille looked at her puzzled.

"Your husband. He is going to make it."

"How-" Camille stared at the woman in shock. She was small as age had decreased her height and had a shock of white hair surrounding her wrinkled pink and white skin. Her light blue eyes blazed with some inner light and Camille knew instinctively that she was in direct touch with God.

"He said to tell you that Michael is going to make it." she reached out and clasped the girl's hands briefly. "We go through these things in life to make us stronger and be able to be strong for someone else. You have done the right thing coming to Him," she looked at the lifeless figure on the cross. "Isn't it amazing that He cares so much?"

Camille nodded as she too looked. "I have not been praying much and I have not been to church since I got married."

"And He does not hold that against you. He is very faithful."

"How did you know-"

The woman laughed softly. "I am not clairvoyant if that is what you are thinking. I was in there when they wheeled your husband and the rest of the people in and came in to pray for their safe recovery."

"You had someone in the accident?"

"No," she smiled softly. "My someone died twenty years ago. A pile up on the freeway and he did not make it. My husband. I decided from then on to come here and pray for others. It's my therapy."

"I am so sorry."

"Don't be. It has drawn me closer to my God." she patted Camille's hands. "Go be with your husband."

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