Chapter 16

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"Dad." he had no idea how he got there in one piece. At one point on the freeway he had almost ran underneath a truck! "What's going on?"

"They are taking the baby son. They are still operating." Marcus told him gravely.

"I saw her missed calls." he looked at his mother who came over to be with him. "She was calling me and I did not notice that my phone was dead. Dammit!" he plunged his fingers through his hair and paced. "This is too much! Christ when will it end?"

"Calm down darling-" his mother began and he turned to face her fiercely, his blue eyes blazing. "Don't tell me to calm down Mother. Why is this happening to her to us? She has been through too much already. When will we be happy and not have this cloud of bad luck following us? I am tired and afraid that one day I am going to walk out the door and get a call that she is-" he broke off and walked towards the door. "I need air."

"Let him go Adele," Marcus held onto his wife as she made to go after him. "He needs to be alone."
"He is right," Adele touched her husband's arm briefly. "Too many things are happening to her. It's like fate is against them."
"You don't believe that," Marcus said quietly. "You know better than that darling." he took her into his arms and led her over to the sofa in the private waiting area they had been assigned. "Bad things happen and that is a way of life. We have been through our fair share. We lost our second baby. I was in an accident that almost claimed my life. We almost lost each other when I was stupid enough to cheat on you. Our business almost went under by insider trading. We have been through a whole lot and they are going through their share and will get by it because they love each other."

She looked up at the handsome man she had fallen in love with so many years ago. "You are right and I pray that they know it."

"They are both okay," the doctor said with a faint smile. "Your son needed oxygen but he is breathing on his own now."

"May I-"

"You may," the man told Michael with a nod of his head.

He turned and looked at his parents. "Go ahead darling and be with your family. We will be there in another few minutes. We are going to try and get Stephen here to get to contribute to the cause we are so passionate about."

he went in swiftly and stopped at the doorway as he saw her with their son cradled in her arms. She looked up and their eyes met and held. he was held spellbound by the scene and for the rest of his life he would never forget her, his wife cradling their son in her arms and the expression on her beautiful face. "Hi," she smiled at him. "He has your blue eyes and everything else. Typical male, really contrary and ungrateful."

he came into the room and looked down at his son. He touched his son's curls and the baby stared up at him. "He knows me," he murmured, his hand trembling slightly.

"Of course he does." she took his hand and kissed it.

"I was not here for you, for him-"

"This is an extraordinarily beautiful moment in our lives and we are not going to dull the moment by talking or thinking about technicalities. Our baby is alive Michael and I know that a lot of things have happened to us but we are here and we are alive and I thank the heavens that we get a second chance. I love you Michael Ramsey and I love our son."

He pulled up a chair and sat by the bed. "You are right and I am sitting here wondering what on earth I have ever done to deserve you."

"It's a mystery." she said softly. "Would you like to hold your son?"

"I would."


She was able to go home two days later and Michael refused to go to work for a couple of days after they got home. "I want to help," he insisted as he placed his son in the cot.
"Are you sure it's that or do you want to make sure that we are safe?" she came up behind him and wrapped her hands around his trim waist.

He stood and watched his son sleep for a moment before he turned around to face her. He lifted her into his arms and carried her over to the sofa in the beautifully decorated nursery. "Partly." he saw the expression on her face and laughed softly. "I just want to spend some time with my wife and kid, is anything wrong with that?"

"Nothing. I appreciate it and I am sure Mark appreciates it too." she put her hands around his neck. "Things will happen Michael and some of them will be bad but as long as I have you I am okay."

He bent and kissed her lips lovingly, his touch tender and his body yielding to hers. he had been through hell for the past several months from one thing to another but he would never exchange a minute with her for anything in the world! "I was thinking that w should hire someone."

"No!" she lifted her head and looked at him. "I can do this Michael. I want to take care of our son."

"And I am sure you will do a very good job of it but you are going to need help. I do not mean now but in a few weeks or so. I am going to be interviewing some people from a very reputable agency."

"Do I have any say in the matter?" she asked with arched brows.

"Yes you get to choose." he kissed her roughly. "It will be good for my peace of mind. Mother will be coming over tomorrow to spend the day with the two of you so I can go and get some work done." he looked at her for a moment. "I get what you are saying baby and I appreciate what you are trying to make me understand but I should not have left you alone when I went to work and I should have made sure I was available when you called. I could have lost you and our son and I am not taking that chance again."

"Okay fine." she rested her forehead on his. "I love you so much."

"I love you too baby."


"So you are now a mother. How does it feel?" Peer asked when he called a few days later.

"Awesome and scary." she said with a laugh. She had just fed Mark and he was drifting off to sleep.S he did not even mind the fact that he woke up all hours of the night and demanded to be fed and Michael woke up with her each time. "I am afraid no woman is going to be good enough for him."

"I figured." he paused and then continued. "Are you okay?"

"You heard about the scare?"

"Yes and I am so happy that you were vigilant and caught it in time."
"So am I. So when are you coming to Florida?"

"I am sure your husband wold not be too thrilled to hear you ask that," he said dryly.

"He is getting accustomed to my talking to you."

"I am sure." he said a bit sarcastically. "I will let you know."

"Are you okay?" she asked him.

"Yes I am. Thanks Camille."
"For what?"

"For being there for me no matter what." he told her sincerely.

"That's what friends are for."


"Darling I swear that my grandson gets bigger each time I see him." Adele murmured as she changed his diaper.
"You saw him yesterday Adele," Camille said with a laugh as she tidied up his cot. Her mother in law would pop in every day and stay for a few hours and she knew it was Michael's doing.
"And he looks bigger today." she said with a smile.

"He looks so much like his father." she murmured as she brought him up to her shoulder to rub his back.

"He took nothing from me."

"Men!" Adele said with a wicked grin. "Now darling let's talk christening party."

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