Chapter 18

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"I prayed." she said the words quietly and had him staring at her with a small frown. They had come back to Florida a few days ago and had spent the day at his parents place where they had been all over Mark. They had persuaded Michael and Camille to let him spend the night and they had agreed. 


"When you were in the accident. I went to the chapel and I poured my heart out." she trailed her fingers down his chest and twisted the tips into the hairs on his chest. "I knew I did not deserve to ask anything of Him but I prayed and begged for another chance to see you and spend time with you." she lifted her dark brown eyes to his blue ones. "I wanted the chance to be a wife to you. I made the mistake of marrying Peter and I paid for it. I wanted to show you how much I love you and our son and I begged for another chance." she blinked the tears away. "An old woman there told me that you were going to be okay." she paused as he reached up and dug his fingers into her thick hair that was loose around her face. "I don't want to live without you Michael. I love you so much that it takes my breath away. And I believe that it was God who answered my prayers."

"So do I," he surprised her by saying. His hand had drifted to the back of her neck and he massaged her scalp in soothing comforting movements. "I did not remember anything from the time I had the accident but I could feel you inside my head and inside my soul. You are always there," he murmured. He brought her closer to him and teased her bottom lip slowly with his teeth causing the tremors inside her body. 

"Michael!" she whispered.

"baby," he used his tongue to probe her mouth entering slowly and without haste as he touched her tongue with his before pulling it inside his mouth. The movement was slow and erotic and Camille felt the desire creeping into her and spreading through her entire body. They had showered together and had not bothered to put any clothes on. He pulled her up and over him and spread his hands over the small of her back using his fingers to knead her taut buttocks pulling her closer to his sex that was rigid with heat and desire. He dragged his mouth from hers and eased her up so he could tease her nipples that had gotten achingly stiff! His tongue darted out and he licked the bud encircling it with his tongue before pulling it inside his mouth. She had weaned their son or he had weaned himself a month earlier and the milk had slowly started to dry up but not entirely. He suckled her gently at first and then as if reacting to her fevered moans his mouth turned avaricious pulling at her as if he could not get enough! He reached between them and took his erection in his hand pulling back the foreskin for a moment before pushing her thighs open to accommodate him. Camille pulled her knees up and impaled herself on his thick member, gasping and arching her back as he pushed into her, his hands gripping her hips to keep her steady as he moved inside her slowly, languorously, his mouth still on her nipple. Suddenly he sat up and brought her legs around his back. His head lifted and he stared down at the strong petite woman who had captured his heart and body. His dark blue eyes were turbulent with the emotions going through him and his body was shuddering against hers. He bent his head and took her lips with his. Camille brought her hands around his neck and up into his hair, clutching at the strands as he moved into her. Nothing mattered anymore. Not the horror she had been through since the past year or two, not the fact that her dreams had been shattered when she discovered who Peter really was, not the accidents and the near deaths, nothing except that she was here with this man whom she loved with her entire being! 

He stopped kissing her and using his hands to frame her face he looked down at her, his breathing ragged. "I prayed too," he whispered huskily.

"About what?" her body was charged and about ready to explode!

"I prayed that I will live long enough to show you how much you mean to me." he bent and kissed her cheek. He was still moving inside her but he had slowed down the pace to prolong the intensity of the passion between them. "I love you baby so much that I am scared of having to go on without you."

"Michael," she bowed her head to his and closed her. "I love you so much."

"I know," he switched them around so that she was lying beneath him. He lifted her feet to his chest and placed the soles of her feet flat onto his chest, gripping her hips he pulled her up to him as he buried himself deep inside her. Camille cried out as he touched something deep inside her. She was not going to last for much longer, she thought hazily as her fingers clenched into tight fists as her body swirled out of control! "Michael!" she cried out and arched her body to his. 

"Let go," he urged huskily as he spread her legs and came over her. "Let go baby." he whispered as he came down and captured the frantic moans with his lips.

She did, her fists beating his muscled shoulders as the helpless emotions took over and took her flying into orbit! he came in the middle of her orgasm, his body shuddering on top of hers as he spilled everything inside her!

He did not come out of her yet. he could not. It was too much and he stayed with her, his semi erect penis still stroking her wetness. Camille clung to him, burying her face into his damp chest, her body still vibrating with passion and heat.

"Hey," he lifted his head to look down at her. Hair tangled around her face and he brushed it off her face. "You okay?"

"Trying to catch my breath," she smiled a little shyly. "I have never been with anyone else and I keep wondering if it is as good- I mean-"

"You are wondering if it is as good with others," his voice was amused as he watched her shyness. It still marveled him that she had been intimate with him and had a baby and still managed to look and sound untouched. He remembered when she had started having her periods again and he had taken her in the bathroom how horrified she  had been until he had convinced her that it was okay. "The love we have for each other makes it wonderful."

"Oh," she touched his chest possessively. "I saw that woman looking at you at the function your parents put on the other day and I wanted to scratch her eyes out."

"What woman?" he looked down at her puzzled.

"Good answer." she told him with a smile.

"You do realize that I have eyes only for you right?" he asked her absurdly pleased that she had been jealous.

"I am beginning to realize that."

"Good," he bent his head and nuzzled her neck.


"Hmm?" his lips were busy exploring her neck.

"I want more."

"So do I." he whispered as he lifted her legs around his waist and undulated slowly inside her. "You make me want more." 

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