Untitled Part 3

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"She should not have said anything to you," Peter looked at her remotely as he took off his lab coat wearily. he had lost a patient on the operating table and on top of that Jerome was demanding that he needed to see him tonight. Now his 'fiance' was coming to him with what his mother had told her. He wished he could ditched everything and go about his business but he was caught in a trap that he did not see himself getting out of any time soon! "You are going to be the wife of a Grayson Camille so naturally I expect you to stop working."

"Your mother still works," Camille pointed feeling her spirit plummeting to the floor. She loved her job as a trauma nurse and had fought tooth and nail to get where she was. her parents were dead and she had no siblings so she had always been alone.

"MY mother is a noted Cardiologist."

Camille took a step back from him, her eyes wide. "I am a nurse so it does not matter because my job is insignificant. Is that what you are saying?"

"Stop being so melodramatic Camille," he told her impatiently. "If it means so much to you then you can continue to work. I just need to clear my head." he ran long fingers through his dark brown curls and turned away.

"I am sorry-"

"I am going for a drive." without another word he left her standing in the doctor's lounge. She looked around to see if the others had noticed the argument but they were all looking elsewhere. She had tried calling him last night but he had not picked up and when she came to the hospital this morning he had already been in surgery. She ran her hands down her floral scrubs to stop them from trembling. She had spent most of last night thinking about what his mother had told her. She was not bent on staying in the same house as his parents but as she had said it was a huge place and they would not bump into each other. She would have preferred them getting someplace for themselves where she could cook for him and make him his favorite meal but now that was not going to happen! She had no intention of staying home no matter what they said!


"Stop calling!" Peter told him harshly as he answered the phone. "You are getting on my nerves Jerome and I will not stand for it."
"Too bad," the man said sulkily. "Were you with her?"

"I was at work where I lost a patient so quit bugging me."

"So come over and let me soothe your woes."

"No. I am not in the frame of mind and you know what happens when I am this way."

"You can take it out on me. I can take it."

"I am not taking the risk. Just leave me alone for a few minutes. I will see you later."

"You promise?"

"Yes," Peter said tersely before hanging up. He put the car into park and sat behind the wheels. His fingers clenched the steering wheel as he started out at the approaching dawn. It was a lovely day and he should be at the apartment with Jerome as they enjoy a glass of their favorite wine and lay in each other's arms as they watch some nonsense on television but he was not in the frame of mind. He did not want to hurt her but what could he do? And besides she would be getting a lot out of the marriage. he would make sure of that! 


Michael rolled off the bed and reached for his pants pulling it on hastily. he could not wait to get out of there. It had been a damned mistake coming here but he had wanted to just drown the sorrow of seeing the woman he loved looking forward to marrying a damned prick!

"Darling i thought you were staying?" Sarah purred softly.

He turned his head to look at her all lush and naked with her blonde hair sexily tousled and wished he could feel something for her.  But she was not Camille and she was the woman he wanted. "I have to go." he tunneled his fingers through his dark hair trying for some semblance of order but only ended up making it more messy. "I will call you," he lied inanely as he made his way out. He got behind the wheels of his SUV and sat there staring at nothing. His phone rang just then and his heart skittered as he realized that it was her!

"Hey." he said trying to sound casual.

"Are you busy?" she asked somberly.

"What's wrong?" For a moment he wondered if the bastard had left her!

"I just need to talk to you. Peter and I had a fight."

"I will be right there." he hung up and put the car in drive, his heart racing as he wondered and hoped that it was over. He would be there to pick up the pieces and eventually she would discover that it should be him and that it had been him all along.

He ran up the steps tot he apartment building and stepped into the elevator, impatiently waiting for the car to reach her apartment. She opened the door and let him in. She looked as if she was crying. He kicked the door shut and pulled her into his arms.

She stayed there for a few minutes before pulling away much to his disappointment. "I am sorry."
"Don't be. Want something to drink?" he asked going tot he small liquor cabinet in the corner of the small living room.

"Some wine. Thanks."

He poured the wine and poured himself a glass of scotch before taking it over to her. He sat next to her and waited for her to talk.

"He wants me to stop working," she said looking down into the burgundy liquid.

Michael felt the hope shriveling up and dying a slow death.

"What do you want?" he asked lightly feeling the anger and helplessness curling in his belly.

"I don't want to stop working," she responded.

"So there you go," he brought the glass to his mouth and emptied it grimacing as the strong liquor hit his stomach lining.

"He is mad at me." she whispered.

"So let him be mad." Michael got to his feet abruptly. "It seems to me that this - this man who claims to love you is doing so conditionally. You deserve better."

"he is better," she insisted as she looked up at him.

"So stop complaining," he told her cruelly as he slammed the glass on the table. "Take whatever you get because you love him so much."

"That was not called for." she told him.

"Look Camille. I am tired of hearing you complain and point out the fact that things are not what they seem and yet you are still planning on going ahead with this marriage."

"I love him!" she cried in agitation as she got to her feet. She had come home and changed her clothes putting on a loose t-shirt. he could see the outline of her small breasts through the material and he felt his blood stirring. he was going to have to leave.

"So I gather," he said with a slight bitterness to his tone.  "Sort out whatever it is you need to sort out and stop bringing me into the drama." he wanted to tell her not to call him unless she was leaving the jerk but he kept his tongue. "I have to go."
"Michael?" her soft voice stopped him at the door. "Thanks for being my friend."

"Yea," he said coolly before leaving. he stood outside the door and wished he could smash something! maybe Peter Grayson's pretty face!


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