Chapter 17 (Continued)

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"Thanks for meeting me," Michael murmured as Peter took his seat on a lounge chair next to him. It had been three weeks since the accident and both he and Camille had flown to New York because he had some meetings to take care of. The cast had come off and he was only walking with a stick. Michael had called him beforehand and Peter had told him that he would be in New York today. He had left Camille at the apartment resting.

"You look well for a man who faced death," Peter said a little sardonically as he looked around the elegant office. He had come to realize that the Ramsey's made his family wealth looks like pennies and dimes and he felt the envy in his chest as he also realize that Camille had unknowingly traded up.

"I understand that my being here is due to your expertise as a doctor."

"I did not do it for you in case you were thinking that," Peter told him coolly.

"I wasn't actually," Michael said sardonically with a slight smile on his lips. "You did it for my wife."

Peter stared at him for a moment and then nodded. "Nothing is wrong with your brain."

"Nothing at all." Michael said in amusement. "I am still telling you thanks anyway." he fiddled with a paperweight on his desk. "She wants us to get along and as far as I can see: it is my observation that you are in love with her. Am I right so far?"

"So?" Peter asked him belligerently.

"Relax man. I do not have the capabilities to take you just now. I am still recovering." he grinned wryly. "I want her to be happy and I am sure you want that too. She has been through too much since the last year and I kind of not want to add wanting to pulverize you to the lot."

"Thanks I think."

"You are welcome." Michael said with a nod of his head.

"Does she know you are meeting me right now?"

"No I wanted to surprise her." he said with a shrug. "I was thinking you could call her up and take her out to lunch. I am sure she would love to see you."
"Why are you doing this?" Peter asked her bluntly.

"Because I love her pure and simple and I am confident that she loves me too. I would give my life to make her happy and she considers you to be a friend and I am trying to be okay with it. So work with me here."

Peter got to his feet and glanced at his watch. It was almost ten and he had a meet with a patient in half an hour. "You want me to take your wife out to lunch?"

"Yea." Michael moved his shoulders. "We are going to present a united front and we start with you taking her to lunch."

Peter stared at him for a moment and then smiled slightly. "You really do love her don't you?"

"More than you will ever understand."

He turned and walked away and then stopped at the door to look back at the man who had done better than him. "I messed up royally and I hate myself for it." he shrugged elegantly. "If I thought I had a chance with her I would be fighting you for her."

"I know and I would be doing the same." Michael mused. "She is easy to love isn't she?"

"Yea but I did not see it until it is too late."

"I am selfish where she is concerned so I am elated that you did not."

Peter stared at him and then with a nod he left.

Michael leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath. He owed the man his life so the least he could do was make it easy for him to be friends with his wife but nothing else!


"Michael Peter just called and asked me to lunch. He said it was your idea. What's going on?" Camille asked when she called him half an hour later.

"I think the accident did something to my brain after all." he told her dryly. "I asked him to meet me at the office and we talked. I want to show you that I am okay with him being friends with you baby."

"Are you sure?"

"I am not because the guy is in love with you. But I trust you and I know that if he does anything to hurt you or if he touches you inappropriately then he has me to deal with."

"He is not going to do no such thing." Camille said with a happy laugh. "Thanks Michael. How are you? I hope you are not doing too much walking around. Your bones need to set properly."

"Yes nurse." he said softly. "How about we take in a movie later?"

"I am game."


Camille stared at herself in the mirror critically. She had told Michael that she had put on weight since having their son but he had laughed it off and said that she was perfect. She had a problem: she had told herself that she would go back to work when Mark was three months old and he was past that now. The thing was: she did not have the desire to go back and work in a hospital or a nursing home. She wanted to watch their son grow and she wanted to be their for him and for Michael. Her husband had gone back to work and both she and Adele got along famously, calling each other every day when they are not visiting each other. Her love life was back on track, in fact it was even better than before if that was at all possible. Last night he had stripped her slowly and had taken her from behind, sending his erection deep into her until she thought she would pass out from the pleasure of it! She had sobbed so loudly that she had wondered if she had awaken the entire neighborhood! He had not stopped there but had gone down on her, using his tongue to stroke her to madness. She loved him and wanted to be home when he gets home and eat with him and ask him about his day. She had been a trauma nurse and she had loved the craziness of it but that had been before she married Michael and had his son, their son who looked so much like him!

There was nothing for her to do really. The housekeeper took care of the house and cook sometimes because she insisted on doing some of the cooking! There was a nanny to take care of Mark so basically she was at loose ends. With a sudden decision she made a call. "Adele I need to talk to you about something."

"You want to come over? I have to go out on the road for a luncheon but after that I am free."

"Yes. Thanks. I will spend some time with Mark and then head out."
"You okay darling?"

"I am fine and I want to get a part of my life back on track."

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