Why I Did It

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Trigger warnings



I feel like I'm floating In mid air.

"Y/n! Please No!"

I feel better. It feels like a huge weight has left my body.

"Oh my god somebody help!"

Why do I feel so different?

"Why y/n?!"

I'm finally done. I don't have to worry about anything. No more school, no more parents, no more mean people, no more insecurities. I'm done.

Or am I?


Lauren p.o.v

"Lauren please just come home. Take a shower, get some rest" my mom pleaded. I stared at the the girl laying on the hospital bed fast asleep. If you're in a coma that means you're in a deep sleep right?.

"Baby come on" she places her hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off.

"Mom no" she sighs "I'm not ready to leave her side"

"You can come back I just want you to come home just for an hour. You need to get cleaned up"

I never thought that I would meet y/n in a hospital for the first time. I thought our first time would be something much better than this. I thought I would actually be happy to see her.

But not like this. I didn't want to meet her like this. I wanted to see her beautiful (y/e/c) and her beautiful smile. I wanted to hear her laugh and hug her.

"She would want this" I turned to her "you don't know shit!" She frowns. "You don't know what she would want!"

"Lauren. I know that she would want you to take care of yourself. We all know that she wants the best for you"

I bite my lip standing up. "Ok" she pats my shoulder walking out. I looked back at Y/n. "I'll be back...we want profess remember" I say out loud. I walked out the room and followed my mom out the hospital.

"Your Dad made casserole tonight we were hoping you would like to stay for dinner" my mom say getting into the car. I got inside and fasten my seat belt. "I'll eat here"


"Mom" she sighs. "It's been a week Lauren. Your brother and sister are worried."

"Well I'm worried about y/n! So please just stop talking about this!"

After 25 minutes later we finally made it home. I got out the car and ran inside going upstairs. I slammed my door shut and plopped on the bed running my fingers through my hair.

"Jesus Christ" I mumble. I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds before standing up again and going to my closet and grabbing a pair of jeans and a top.

I placed the outfit on my bed and grab my towel going into the bathroom.

It felt like it was just yesterday when y/n texted me saying that she was so excited to meet me.  She also said that she wasn't going to let anyone or anything get in the way.

Kind of funny right?.

I took my shower and got dressed not bothering to blow dry my hair. I walked downstairs and made a bowl to take back to the hospital. I put into my bag before grabbing my keys deciding to drive instead of using my mom for a ride.

"I'm going out!" I yelled before opening the door. "Hello are you Lauren?"

A brown skin boy asked. I furrowed my eyebrows "yes?"

He hands me a notebook. "Here you go"

"What is this? How do you know my name?"

"It's a notebook filled with important stuff. It's from y/n" I quickly looked inside flipping through the pages. "What do you mean it's from y-" I looked up to see the boy already walking down the street. I walked out the house closing the door.

I got into my car and sat down opening the book.

Hey Lauren.  It's me Y/n. If you're reading this then my old pal Jeremy has finally gotten his lazy ass up and did his job. You're probably wondering why you've have gotten this book. Well this book is made for you. Just for you so don't let anyone read it nor tell anyone about it. I hope I can trust you. I've been trusting you for exactly 5 months now. It will always be 5 months. Because I'm dead.

"You're not dead" I mumble to myself.

I'm sorry did that come off a little to harsh? I didn't mean to trigger you in anyway, but it's the truth. I'm dead. I've been dead for a week now and there's really nothing you or anyone can do about it.

I do want to say sorry. We were supposed to meet last week. But something got in the way. Not something. I got in the way. And I'm sorry.

You're reading this book because I want you to know why I pulled the plug.

Not just any plug.

I Pulled the plug of life.

Why you may ask?

I closed the notebook feeling tears build up in my eyes again.

I stared the car and placed the notebook in the passenger seat.

I pulled out the drive way and drove down the road, making my way back to the hospital.....

Inspiration from the series 13 reasons why.

I got bored and decided to make my own little version. So here it is.

If you want a part 2 just comment down below.

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