The Dark Web

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked over the phone as I clicked the link which brought directly to the dark web. My breath gets caught in my throat as I automatically start to feel my hairs standing up on my body. I've heard the stories about the dark web, and it terrified me but my best friend wanted to prove something to me.

"Yeah, y/n I have done this a million times. Trust me you're safe" I nodded as a chat room popped up. "What exactly am I supposed to be watching it's just a black screen"

"It haven't started yet but you can talk to random strangers in this chat room....but we're just here for a project so we won't be long on here ok"


I looked down at the screen looking at all the live comments popping up.

'I hope it's that pretty girl again'

'More blood this time please'

'I want to hear her scream'

I felt uncomfortable reading the comments, knowing that what I was about to watch was probably going to change me and not for the better. My best friend and I wanted to figure out what happened to the girl who mysteriously went missing 2 days ago.

All we know is that she was at home one night on her laptop and the next she was gone. The only thing left on her laptop was a link which I clicked on that sent us to the dark web. Good thing for me, my friend knows exactly what to do.

In the corner of a message popped up.

'LxJ would like to private chat'

I furrowed my eyebrows "Paige we can private chat on this?" I asked "yeah why?"

"Someone just asked" she didn't say anything "Are you going to click on it?" She asks "maybe that's what happened to that girl" I say my heart starting to beat really fast. "Click on it, what's the worse that can happened? Your dad is literally a police officer and he's home you're good"

She's right, I have all the protection I need.

I clicked on the chat which brought me to another black screen. It had the option to video call but I don't think I'll be doing that at all.

Unknown: Hi

You: Hello

Unknown: what's your name? I'm Lauren

"She wants to know my name...should I tell her?"

"No, that's too different make up one"

You: My name is (random name)

Unknown: That's a pretty name

You: Thank you

You: Do you usually get on the dark web?

Unknown: I like to make new friends...

You: on here really? It doesn't creep you out that someone could, yk hack you?

Unknown: you're funny

Unknown: if I was worried about that then it wouldn't be any fun

"What is she talking about?"

"She's basically saying that she's not worried about getting hacked"

Unknown: is this your first time being on here?

You: Yes

Unknown: do you want to be friends?

"She just asked me if I want to be friends"

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