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Small Smut

Lowkey disturbing 👀

"High school reunion never thought I'd be here, or even make it" the woman beside me chuckles as we sat at the bar, "want me to buy you a drink?" I shook my head "no thanks today marks 5 years of being sober" she raises an eyebrow "then why are you sitting at a bar?"

"Just want to prove to myself that I'm stronger then what I used to be"

"Is that working for ya?" I nodded "yeah it feels also gives me an mysterious vibe right?" The brunette looks me up and down "yeah...makes me want to know your story?" We both laughed "I'm Y/n Y/l/n"

"I know who you are"

"You do?"

"We've been in the same class for four years straight i always sat behind you" I frowned "oh? Now I feel bad" she waves me off "it's whatever I'm Ally Hernandez" my eyes widen once I looked fully at her. "Oh my god I thought you looked're the mayor" she smiles "I am"

"Wow that's big, congratulations"

"Thank you...what do you do?" I frowned "um" I trailed off "Kinda unemployed right now" I chuckled ashamed in myself for not accomplishing my dreams. "Oh I'm sorry"

"It's whatever it doesn't matter" she nods "well I should go mingle talk to you later y/n" I smiled at her as she hops off the stool and walks away. "More apple juice please!" I say grabbing the bartender attention he nods my way. As I waited patiently "y/n is that you?!"

I turned around to see "Normani?!" She smiles walking over to me I stood up and wrapped my arms around the girl she was wearing a white pant suit and white heels, her long curly hair passed her back. "you look beautiful it's been so long!" she says "I know how have it been?"

"Well I'm married" she shows me her ring I looked at it smiling widely generally happy for her, "oh wow who's the lucky man" she shakes her head "not a man I decided years ago to go to women"

"I didn't expect that....who's the lucky gal?"

"Lauren I'm a Jauregui" my eyes widen "I thought you guys hated each other" I chuckled a little fazed that she's married to my ex. She sits down on the stool at the bar "well in senior year remember when Mrs. Welch partner Lauren and I Together?"

Yep, I remember being pissed because Lauren was my partner all semester and then she went and switched everything up...I failed my project because she partnered me up with the asshole Justin. And even though I did my work and graduated with a 5.3 GPA I still managed to fail at life. Justin a whole millionaire, I have no clue how he got like that but I should have dated him when he asked me out, maybe I'll be rich right now too.


"Well at first I hated it...we both did, but then we found out we had a lot in common and we ended getting together...which I'm sorry by the way" I shook my head not wanting her to know that I didn't know she was the reason Lauren broke up with me.

"It's whatever"

"How are you?"

"Um, I'm good I'm surviving" I chuckled "I heard that you and Lauren are working on some experiment to help lesbians create babies with their own genes"

I didn't know they were together but I did know they were scientists and I keep up with everything that's going on so, I know they were working on something I also didn't want to tell anyone else that I didn't do anything with my life...especially on the yearbook I was labeled as most likely to succeed.

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