Luhan (Manly Enough)

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Luhan (Manly Enough)


“Hurry, Luhan! We’re gonna be late!”

You called to your bestfriend who was a few meters behind. You heard him groan. “Wait up, _____! Don’t leave me behind.” You laughed and muttered, “You’re too slow. You run like a girl.” “HEY, I HEARD THAT!” You saw Luhan chase after you and you ran, laughing louder.

You two arrived in school in a nick of time. As you sat in your respective seats, Luhan heaved a sigh of relief. “Good thing we’re not late.” “Yah,” you exclaimed. “Good thing I got up early to wake you up! When I arrived at your house, you were still sleeping! Honestly Lulu, you have to wake up early.” He chuckled, “Sorry, _____. I was so engrossed in watching the Hello Kitty series last night.” “Ugh! Luhan, you’re like a girl!” Luhan pouted and gave you a playful punch on the shoulder, “S-shut up, _____! Hello Kitty has nothing to do with being a girl. And I’m not girly, I’m manly!” You stuck out your tongue to him. “Yeah right. You always say that.” He was about to react but your adviser arrived to start the class.

Dismissal time came. You searched for Luhan after your cleaning duties. Since he’s your bestfriend and close neighbor, you two would walk home together. You finally saw him on the soccer field. With a cute girl. When you saw them, you felt miserable. Another pretty girl is confessing to him... There was a painful sensation in your heart and you looked away. Everytime you see girls go to him and confess, you’d imagine being the one in front of him. You’d imagine yourself staring deeply at his gentle eyes and pouring out your feelings. If only I was pretty and brave enough… You sighed deeply and shook your head. No, you shouldn’t feel this way. He was your bestfriend, after all.

When you looked back, you saw Luhan and the girl smile at each other. He waved goodbye to her and spotted you. “Uhhh… h-hey, Luhan.” He smiled, “Hey, _____! Thanks for waiting. C’mon, let’s go.”

“Soooo…” You peeked at him. “You’ve gotten a girlfriend, huh?” He looked at you with a confused look. You sighed, “That girl. The one with long hair and a cute face… She’s your girlfriend now?” “Oh her. She confessed but I refused. She was happy to be my friend though, so it’s alright.” Hearing that made you smile. “You know, you always reject girls who confess to you. Are you gay, Luhan?” His eyes widened, “I am not! I am manly and strong!” You laughed, “Bwahahaha! Then why don’t you confess to some girl?” He stopped walking and looked away. “I don’t want to confess to some girl… I want to confess to the one I love.” You stopped laughing as his face turned serious. “Oh. Then confess to her! If you’re manly enough,” you added to tease him.

He pouted. “Okay, I will!” He held your hand, pulled you in for a tight embrace and kissed your lips. “_____, I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?”

You blushed as he kissed you again. You were going to say something but all you could do was stutter. He laughed at your reaction and pinched your red cheeks.

“Was that manly enough?”

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