D.O. (Valentines Day)

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D.O. (Valentines Day)


It was Valentines day, but not just any ordinary Valentines day. Last year, your boyfriend surprised you with a meal he cooked himself. This time, you’d make something in return for last year’s surprise. You’ve waited long enough for this day.

You took out the freshly baked batch of cookies. You waited for them to cool off. After that, you brought out a small pouch and placed the cookies inside. Closing the pouch with a cute ribbon, you added a small tag. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, OPPA! I LOVE YOU~, it read. I hope he’ll be pleased with my surprise! Hmm… let me try one… You grabbed the cookie you left for yourself and took a big bite. You quickly spit it out. “Yuck! Tastes like salty cardboard!” You rushed to the sink to wipe your tongue, resisting the urge to vomit. What a disaster! I thought it’ll turn out okay because I followed the recipe. Before you could sulk, the doorbell rang. “_____! It’s me, _____!”

Kyungsoo’s here! You rushed to the door to greet him. When you opened the door, you saw Kyungsoo covering his face with a rose bouquet. “Happy Valentines!” you heard him say behind the bouquet. You laughed, “Oppa! So cute, thank you!” “Our practice finished earlier than expected so I made this,” he held out a box. “It’s chocolate, our favorite!” “Thank you very much, oppa.” You gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Come in, you can place the cake in the fridge while I put these roses in my room.” You heard Kyungsoo say okay as you walked up the stairs.

It was like our first meeting. You giggled as you remembered the day you first met Kyungsoo. He was covering his face with a balloon because he was hiding from the fans that were following him. He got lost and he had that frightened look on his face. He was so cute… He looked so helpless. Good thing he trusted me when I said I’d help him. You finished placing the roses in the vase and went back to the kitchen.

I better throw those cookies away. So much for my Valentines surprise…

As you entered the kitchen, you were shocked to see an empty table. THE COOKIES WERE GONE! You began to panic. “Kyungsoo!” You ran towards the living room. “Kyungsoo-oppa, have you seen-” “_____! These cookies are delicious!” There he was sitting on the couch; the pouch of cookies was almost empty on his lap. He ate the last one. “Thanks for the surprise, jagi!” He wiped the crumbs off his cheeks and smiled at you.

Tears began to form in your eyes. “Pabo! You’re a bad liar as much as I’m a bad cook!” You clenched your apron, took it off and threw it at Kyungsoo. “I knew those cookies tasted bad. I tried one of them and you still ate them! You wanna die from diarrhea? Pabo!” Kyungsoo got up and hugged you, “Shh… _____, I knew you slaved off in the kitchen for hours to make them.” He patted your head as you continued to sob. “Just the thought of you cooking for me is enough of a Valentines gift. I really think those cookies were great because it was you who baked them.” He gave you a kiss on the forehead and wiped your tears away. “If we get married, I’ll cook for you. I’ll also teach you some simple recipes, but you have to marry me first.” You blushed, “It’s too early to think about marriage, pabo.” He gave you his heart-shaped smile and hugged you tight. “I love you, jagiya. Happy Valentines day.”

“I love you too, Kyungsoo-oppa,” you whispered back.

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