Kai (Check)

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Kai (Check)


“Hey _____, whatcha doing?”

He leaned over to see the piece of paper on your desk. You hid it under your sleeve. “It’s nothing. Just a bunch of things I want to do before summer ends.” Kai laughed, “Summer hasn’t even started yet! But that’s a good idea.” He smiled as an idea crossed his mind, “My family’s travelling for summer and I won’t join them, want me to join you instead?”

One, have someone to accompany me this summer. Check.


“Are you sure we won’t get caught? We could just tell the guard, you know…” You whispered nervously as Kai climbed on the tree tilting over the school wall. He reached out for you, “Where’s your sense of adventure, _____? For a task as boring as this, we should at least have some fun!” You held on tightly at the seedling growing from your little pot. His strong arms lifted you up on the tree and the two of you sneaked in the campus grounds.

Two, plant a seedling near the school library’s window. Check.


“Hurry up, _____! It’s about to start without you!” His voice called out as you ran towards him. The early morning breeze made you shiver, your pajamas doing nothing to give you enough warmth. You stopped beside him as you looked up at the faint light. “It’s beautiful…” The two of you smiled and looked at the scene in front of you.

Three, watch the sunrise while wearing pajamas. Check.


“Quit whining, _____! Monggu ain’t gonna bite,” Kai reassured you and gave the puppy a gentle shake in his arms. “N-nice puppy, g-good little p-puppy,” your voice and hands trembled as you petted Monggu. The puppy leaned closer to your touch. Kai smiled. “See? I told you Monggu’s friendly.” Then you heard cute yelps and the sound of tiny paws running towards you, “K-Kai?” The guy beside you laughed, “Wait till you see Jjanggu and Jjangah!”

Four, spend a day playing with pets. Check.


“Kai hyung, try and catch us! Kai hyung!” The children squealed as Kai growled. “I’m the big bad wolf and I’m gonna catch you!” You laughed as you cradled a sleeping child in your arms. He was apparently having fun, and you couldn’t help but smile at him.

Five, spend a day playing with children at the orphanage. Check.


“Try this one, _____. This is good!” Before you could reply, he placed a fried chicken in your mouth. “Ooomf! Kai, you should slow down…” You watched as he gobbled up every food his hands could grab on. “Hahaha! Told you to slow down!” You roared in laughter as Kai reached out for a glass of water, his face sweating as he choked on a riceball.

Six, cook up a feast and have an eat-all-you-can at home. Check.


“Lalalala! Feels like I’m walking in the rain~” Kai crooned in his charming voice as the two of you danced in the heavy rain. “Maybe w-we should go now, the people are w-watching us, Kai.” You grabbed his arms but he spun you around in a graceful manner. “Not yet, _____! Let’s slow dance first, hahaha!” The rain did nothing to dampen his cheery behavior.

Seven, dance under the rain. Check.


“I want to be a teacher someday, Kai.” You shared as the two of you dried off near the fireplace. “I want to be the world’s best performer. That’s my humble dream, _____.” You laughed at his ‘humility’ and threw a wet towel at him. He caught it just before it hit his face and threw it at you in retaliation. Your childish fight ended when you coughed loudly. “What’s wrong, _____?” You smiled, “Just a small cold.”

Eight, talk about dreams while seating in front of the fireplace. Check.


“You know I was wondering,” Kai said as the two of you strolled at the park, holding ice creams in your hands. “Your list contains things that are not summer-related at all. No offense but even if it’s not summer, you can do those things freely. And it’s kinda boring.” You looked up at him and smiled, “I just want to do things that show me more about life.” He stared at you confusingly while mouthing ‘why?’. You took a lick of your ice cream, “Because life is an ice cream, Kai. It’s cold and sweet at the same time.” Kai laughed, “You’re cute, _____. You’re cute but I don’t understand you at all hahaha!” “Shut up, Kai! You’re cute, too.” He smirked and gave you a wink, “Tell me something I don’t know. I love you, _____...” You smiled, “I love you too, Kai.”

Nine, fall in love before ----------- summer ends. Check.





He leaned over the library window. The tree you planted together was growing gradually - ten years passed after all. “Sir, here are the projects from the other class,” a student walked up to Kai and gave him a bunch of scrapbooks and folders. “Thank you. Take care on your way home.” He smiled at his student and she smiled back, waving goodbye out of the library.

He took out a crumpled piece of paper in his pocket. His eyes brimmed with sadness as the summer he spent with you ten years ago consumed his mind. In your neat handwriting, he looked at the words you crossed out. It was the ninth thing on your list. Life is really cold and sweet at the same time.

“Nine, fall in love before my life ends. That’s what you initially wrote, _____... And you hid it from me…”


A/N: Okay, this sucks. I’m so sorry! T_____T

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