Chanyeol (Great)

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Chanyeol (Great)



You sighed in the kitchen as your little daughter screamed upstairs from her room. You heard her scream again and you stopped washing the dishes. “Okay, okay. Mommy’s coming.”

When you reached her room, you saw her on the floor throwing her things. Tantrums again?


“What’s wrong, Mei?”

Your daughter stomped her foot and threw her little arms on the air. “My project’s not pretty enough. I won’t get a perfect score, Mommy! I hate this!”

Sigh… For a seven year old girl, she sure is a perfectionist.


“It doesn’t have to be perfect; it just needs to be great. Look at this butterfly you drew! It’s so pretty.” You hugged your daughter and she crawled up in your arms. You could still feel her upset and troubled. “What if I tell you a story? It’s about a girl who wanted everything to be perfect, too. Even with love, she had a perfect prince in mind.”

Mei looked up to you with big curious eyes. “Really? Did she get her prince, Mommy?”

You smiled as you shared a story that happened nine years ago.


DRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNN!!! Your alarm went off for the nth time. But you only realized it after an hour.


Oh, perfect! I’m gonna be late!


You jumped out from your bed in a rush and headed to the bathroom. As you turned the shower knob, cold water rushed out and you yelped.

Perfect! What a refreshing way to start the day! I hope I won’t freeze to death after this! You dried yourself quickly and put on your school uniform. Downstairs, you saw a note on the table.

[Hi, dear! I have an early morning meeting so I can’t drive you to school today. Take care! - Mom]

Ugh! Perfect. I have to take the smelly bus today.

You prepared a cup of coffee and ate your breakfast in a flash. You almost choked so you reached out for your coffee and gulped it down in one motion. The hot liquid burned your tongue and it spilled on your skirt.

Perfect!  You rushed upstairs to change before dashing out of the house. The bus stop was just around the corner. But when you arrived, you saw the bus driving away. You ran after it. “Hey, stop! Wait for me!” As you hastened your steps, the heel of your left shoe came off. Perfect! I look like a mess now!

Rain started to pour. The strong wind added to your frustration.

“Here let me help you, miss.” A deep cheery voice said from behind you. The rain stopped to fall on your head and you realized that there was already an umbrella covering you. “Perfect! Thanks!” You smiled as you turned to thank your savior.

It was Chanyeol. You cringed.

It was the clown of your class that came to your rescue. You were expecting some charming prince in front of your eyes but it was only Chanyeol. You dislike the fact that he was so carefree and comical in class. “No problem. Let’s go to class together, _____.” He gave a warm smile and you can’t help but smile back.

Just then, a fierce wind blew Chanyeol’s umbrella away. The two of you were getting wet from the rain. You screamed in frustration and exclaimed, “Perfect!” Chanyeol grabbed you by the arm and lead you back to the bus stop. You were safe from the rain for now. Perfect, now I’m stuck here with this person!

A car passed by and hit a puddle near the sidewalk. The water splashed on you and Chanyeol, you were now dripping wet with mud. “Ugh! This is freaking, absolutely perf----!” Chanyeol covered your mouth with his hand. “Listen _____, it doesn’t have to be perfect; it just needs to be great. What do you say we skip class for now and have coffee there?” He pointed to a café.

You smiled and nodded. “That would be great, Chanyeol.”


“That was a great story, Mommy!”

“Really?” You smiled and cuddled Mei closer.

“Yes, it was so perfect!” Your little daughter giggled. “I mean, it was so great.” A car honked from outside. Mei squealed, “Daddy’s here!” She rushed downstairs and you followed. “Daddy!”

“How’s my little princess?” He pulled Mei up in his arms and kissed her cheek. Then he walked to you and gave you a sweet kiss on the lips. “How’s my lovely queen?”

“I’m fine, oppa.” You blushed and kissed him back.

“Daddy, guess what! Mommy told me a story and the boy’s name was the same as yours!”

“That’s great! Jagi, can you tell it again?” He smiled cutely. “I never get tired of our story.”

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