Lay (I Forgot)

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Lay (I Forgot)


Today, you start working at Greenfields Corporation. It was a decent job with a huge salary so you were very happy that you got to work here. You stepped inside the elevator and pressed the close button. “Ah, wait! Could you hold it, please?” A person called out and you pressed the button as he stepped inside just in time. “Whew! Thanks, Miss!” The man in the black suit smiled, showing his cute dimple. You smiled back, blushing a little. “You’re welcome. I’m _____, by the way.” He shook your hand, “My name’s Zhang Yixing but you can call me Lay.” You smiled again staring at the charming man beside you. Lay smiled back warmly then his expression changed. “Shoot! I forgot to bring my briefcase. I left it at the first floor counter!” You walked out of the elevator and he called out to you, “I’ll see you later then! Wait, what’s your name again?” You laughed, “It’s _____!” Lay repeated your name as the elevator doors closed.

When you arrived at your desk, your workmates gave you a warm welcome.

“By the way _____, we have a workmate here who can be a burden sometimes. He forgets things easily so please bear with him. His name is-” “Yah! Lay, there you are! Why are you late?” another workmate asked as the man from before entered the room. Lay smiled sheepishly, “Sorry. I forgot my briefcase.” “Ah, never mind. Do you have the blueprints?” Lay blinked in shock, “B-blueprints?” “Aigoo, you forgot again. Go get it from Mr. Lee on the third floor.” Lay hurried to leave as your workmates shouted in chorus, “Third floor! Don’t forget!”

As the days passed, you saw more of Lay’s forgetful side. He would misplace his pen, folders and even his wallet. He forgets occasions – heck, he would even come to work on holidays. But that didn’t bother you. In fact, you find it cute. He was forgetful but when he remembers, he works hard with a smile. It was his unique charm. It was that charm of his that made you admire him more than a workmate.

You were working overtime one night. You had to finish the paperwork that was piling up, it was a busy week for you. You jumped in shock when you heard the door open. “Hey, _____! Good evening.” It was Lay who emerged from the door. You sighed in relief, “It’s you, Lay. I’m surprised you remember my name.” “Aigoo! Don’t make fun of me, _____.” You laughed. “So why did you come back? You forgot something?” Lay lowered his head as he smiled and nodded.

“Do you want me to help you find it?”

“Yes, _____. It’ll be great if you help me.”

“So what are you looking for?”

“I’m looking for the right words because I always forget what to say when I look at you. Your beauty never fails to leave me in awe.” He pulled out a rose from his suit and held it out to you. You gasped in surprise.

“I almost forgot to ask the most beautiful woman out on a date. _____, are you free this Saturday?”


A/N: And then you reject him coz you have more paperwork to do! BWAHAHAHA! No, seriously… you accepted then he forgot that you have a date this Saturday. SO HE NEVER CAME TO YOUR DATE! Lol. Just kidding! XD

Leave a message if you want me to do an imagine for you. I’m pretty new to this stuff so bear with me :3

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