EXO (Babysitting)

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EXO (Babysitting)


“I’m sorry if it’s sudden, _____. It’s an unexpected party and we have no one to care for our kids. Can we count on you?” The pretty middle-aged woman wearing eyeliner pleaded. Her other eleven friends also pleaded with desperate voices.

“Of course, Mrs. Byun. You can count on me.” You smiled at the women who let out deep sighs of relief.

“Thank you, _____! Now let’s go meet the kids inside.” The women ushered you inside Mrs. Kim’s mansion. You gasped as you saw expensive vases and paintings in the grand hallway. This is a joke! No one can be this rich, right? You thought in disbelief.

They lead you to a big room filled with toys and filled with twelve little boys running around. “This is the kids’ playroom. Please attend to their every need, _____. They have to be in bed at exactly eight o’ clock.” You nodded at Mrs. Kim’s instructions. “Understood, ma’am. Have a wonderful night.” You bowed down to the women and they kissed their kids goodbye.


“Noona? Who are you and why are you here? Where is umma going?” A little boy approached you. The others hid behind him, like he was their leader or something.

“Your umma had to go to a party. Don’t worry, they’ll be back soon. For now, let _____-noona accompany you, okay?” You smiled at him and he nodded. “Hello noona, I’m Suho. And these are my friends. We are EXO.”

“EXO?” You repeated with a confused tone.

“E. X. O, noona. It’s a prefix that means outside. Umma says we’re special and talented. She says we’re out of this world, and that’s why we’re EXO.”

You smiled at the little boy’s words. He was smart for his age. Another boy wearing a panda shirt came closer and hugged you. “Hellooo! I’m Tao.” He eyed your bag warily. “I like your bag, noona.”

You hugged him tighter. “It’s Gucci, Tao.” Tao’s little mouth opened in wonder. Meanwhile, a commotion started in the room. The nine boys crowded around one boy who was busy with a palette. “Look at the painting of Kris, noona! It looks funny!” The boys roared in laughter.

You shook your head and smiled. “I think it’s beautiful though. Look at the puppy he’s drawing, it’s so cute.” The boy called Kris stopped sketching and sighed, “It’s not a puppy. It’s you, _____-noona!” You mumbled an ashamed apology to Kris as one of them approached you. “Noona doesn’t look like that, Kris. Look at her! She’s wearing some… some eyelining!”

Uhh. Eyelining?


“I think you mean eyeliner.” You smiled at the boy and he nodded furiously. “Right, noona! I mean eyeliner! You’re wearing eyeliner like umma! Can Baekhyun try that, too?” Before you could react, lightning struck and a great bellowing sound arose in the air. The little boys growled in retaliation.

“Rawr! I hate thunder!” Tao growled furiously at the window. A tall kid approached him with a goofy grin, “Don’t worry, Tao! Let’s sing so that it will go away!” The tall kid strummed the guitar on his lap and sang a happy tune. “Chanyeol’s right. Let’s clean up this mess so we can have snacks. Will you help me, D.O.?” Suho asked the boy with wide eyes and he nodded. He helped Suho arranged the toys as he sang, “Whoaa~ Du du du du~ Thunder, thunder, thunder!” You can’t help but be mesmerized by his voice.

“Yay, snacks! Lay will help, too!” The boy with a dimple rushed to a corner and arranged the leaning stuffed toys. One toy caught his attention. “What’s this, noona?” He held the toy out to you.

“That’s a unicorn, Lay. Do you know that unicorns have healing powers?”

“Cool! Noona, Lay wants to be a unicorn!” He clasped the stuff toy tight before arranging it back to the shelf. “Maybe someday, Lay.” You smiled at him. Then a maid entered the room, “Excuse me, miss. It’s time for young master Suho and his friends to have snacks.” The twelve of them squealed as they rushed down to the veranda.


“Baozi!” The pretty one called Luhan exclaimed as he pointed to one of his playmates. The boy he was pointing seemed happy enough while nibbling on a steam bun.

“Do you want some, Luhan?” You asked him. Luhan shook his head. “Noona, don’t you think Xiumin looks like a baozi bun? Look at his cheeks!” Xiumin pouted at Luhan’s words. “Perhaps… After all, Xiumin is really cute,” you said in agreement. “Well I think Luhan looks like a deer, noona!” Xiumin exclaimed back. The two of them stuck their tongues out at each other. How cute!


“Noona. I want that. Noona, please give that to me.” A boy with a poker face was reaching out to the glass you were holding. “Eh? You want this bubble tea, Sehun?” Sehun nodded, still with that cute poker face. You gave the glass to him and he gulped it down quickly. He held the glass back to you. “I want another one, noona.”

“Stop drinking bubble tea, Sehun. You should eat chicken, it’s yummy!” The boy called Kai exclaimed as he devoured an entire chicken on his plate. “By the way, Chen and I have a surprise for you.” Kai wiped his mouth and hands clean with napkins and stood in front of us. Chen stood beside him.

“Lady and gentlemen!” Chen smiled as he raised his hands dramatically. “The wonderful dancing ma-Chen and my assistant Kai are here to perform for you!” “Yah! What do you mean assistant?” “I’m just kidding, Kai.” Chen laughed as they danced perfectly in front of their audience. You and the other boys clapped and cheered.

“What did you think of our dance, noona? I dance like Michael Jackson, right?” Kai jumped up and down as you tucked the twelve boys to bed. “Yes, you were wonderful, Kai. You all have talents and I want you to develop them, okay?”

“We will! We are EXO!” The twelve bounced from their beds and did a group pose. You laughed.

“Good night, little EXO…” You kissed them on their foreheads and they beamed, “We’ll make you proud someday, noona. Good night!”


A/N: Gaaaaah!!! Imagine babysitting twelve cute boys like EXO! *o*

I wrote a little Xiuhan moment, too. BWAHAHAHA!

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