Sehun (The best)

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Sehun (The best)


“_____! Are you coming over to Kai’s party after school?” Sehun asked, as the two of you walked down the hallway. You merely shrugged and gave him a hesitant look. “Aaaaw~ C’mon, _____! It will be fun, I promise.”

“But I have other plans with Hyerin. We’re going to hang out after school.” Sehun crossed his arms and pouted, “Hmph! You’d rather spend time with that new transfer student than with your bestfriend, huh?” You laughed at Sehun’s childish actions. Seeing him act jealous was one of the things you secretly love about him. It’s not only those things about him that you secretly love. To be precise, you secretly love Sehun – your bestfriend since birth.

“Hahahaha! Stop that, Sehun. My decision is final; I will hang out with Hyerin after school.” The tall fair guy beside you stomped his feet in frustration. You saw his gloomy expression as he walked hurriedly in front of you. You chuckled and called out to him, “You didn’t let me finish, pabo! I’ll hang out with Hyerin after school when we go to Kai’s party!” Sehun made a quick turn and ran towards you, crushing you in a tight hug. “So you’ll go to the party, right?! Thank you, _____! You’re the best!” You laughed and hugged him back, “I know. I know…”


“Hey guys! We’re here,” you walked over to Sehun and his other friends. Music roared from the background and the other teens were either dancing or eating with their friends. Sehun smiled at you as he handed you a drink. “Hey, ____! Why don’t you introduce us to your new friend?” Kai grinned as he looked at Hyerin. She was fumbling shyly behind you. “Oh yeah, this is Hyerin. She’s the new transfer student from Japan. She’s my seatmate in four subjects, so we’re pretty close by now.” The guys including Sehun greeted her warmly. Hyerin bowed and smiled shyly, “H-hello to all of you… I’m so glad _____ brought me along to this party. It’s nice to meet new friends.” Sehun’s shoulder hugged your neck in a semi-embrace. “Of course! _____ is a really nice person. She’s the best!” You looked over to Sehun who was smiling brightly at you. You blushed and smiled back at him, “Hahaha! I know, Sehun, I know!”

You spent the whole afternoon with Hyerin, Sehun and the rest of his friends in Kai’s house. It was a great party and you were happy to have great friends.


“Man, that exam was brain-wrecking, right?!” You walked out of the room with Hyerin after the bell rang. “Yes, it was! But thank you for tutoring me yesterday, _____. You’re really a great help,” Hyerin smiled shyly at you. You smiled back at her, “It was nothing! Hehehe~ See you tomorrow, Hyerin!” You waved goodbye and she waved back, walking home towards the other direction. Suddenly, your phone rang.

4:28 p.m.

Hey _____! Can we walk home together? I have something to tell you. I’ll be waiting near the gate.


The message was from your bestfriend. You smiled like a stupid fool for a second and hoped no one saw you smile like that. You typed a short reply and headed to the school gate.


“So… what do you have to say to me, Sehun?” You started a conversation to dispel the eerie silent atmosphere between you and Sehun. He looked at you intensely, “_____, what will you do if I say that I’m in love?” You looked away from his deep gaze, “W-what are you talking about? That’s completely normal, Sehun.” He shook his head as a blush began to creep to his cheeks, “I know it’s normal b-but I feel so guilty! I’ve fallen in love with this girl for a very long time but I was too afraid to ruin our friendship that I kept that love a secret!” You blushed after hearing his confession, “Then does that mean that you… y-you…” “Y-Yes, _____! I’m so sorry if I hid it from you! From my very bestfriend! Argh, I’m so ashamed right now, keeping this secret for a very long time…”

You smiled delightfully and laughed. Your face was the same as Sehun’s now. Both of you were turning to a deep red. “It’s okay, hahaha. I understand, Sehun.” He gave you a very cute smile, “Really? Then you’ll help me, _____?” You stared at him confusingly, “Help you with what, Sehun?”

He smiled sheepishly as he covered his red cheeks with his backpack. “You’ll help me confess to Hyerin, then? I’ve really liked her ever since I first saw her at Kai’s party. It was love at first sight _____, can you believe it?! H-hahaha… I’ve kept it as a secret for a very long time but now, I want her to be my jagiya.”

False hope. Wrong assumptions. Your heart broke as he finished talking.

“Oh sure… I’ll help you w-with Hyerin. You’d make a really cute couple, Sehun.” Sehun blushed when you said that and hugged you tight. “Thanks, _____! You’re the best!”

You smiled weakly in Sehun’s shoulder as tears formed in your eyes. “I know, Sehun. I know…”

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