Leslee and Brooke

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I went to school in what I wore for the interview. I rode the bus because I only skateboard on Fridays and Ethan wasn't there to drive me. Yay I have to go on the bus.

I waited at the stop for about 5 minutes when a couple others came by. One was

about 5' 7" with brown hair down her back that reached about mid-back. She wore grey vans which matched her cute pink tee shirt. Her blue shorts were absolutely adorable.

The other had a black braid down her shoulder with pink tips that matched her blue top and denim shorts. She was at least 5' 7" if not 5' 6". They both wore mascara and lip gloss. But that was it.

"Hey!" one of them called to me very amiably.

"Hey! I'm McKenna! And you guys are?"

"Brooke and Leslee! I'm Brooke and this is Leslee! Very nice to meet you!"

(The one with brown hair is Brooke and the other is Leslee)

"Very nice to meet you guys! I've never really been on this bus by myself. Do you mind if I sit by you guys?"

"Not at all! Where is your friend? The guy friend you have?"

Should I tell them? I guess since we are kind of friends then I should. Not very detailed, but the basic idea.

"Well, he got in a car crash and now he's in the hospital." I bit my lip hoping for a good response.

"Well I'm really sorry to hear that McKenna. I hear you two are very close." Leslee patted my shoulder and then the bus arrived.

I climbed on board and sat wherever Brooke and Leslee sat. They sat together and I sat in the seat in front of them by myself. But I didn't care.

"So, tell us a little more about yourself McKenna." Leslee said very cheerfully.

"Okay, well. I'm McKenna but you can call me Kenna. I originally came from San Fransisco, California but I moved to Miami when I was 10. Ethan saved my from Kelly and the populars and he became my best friend. My mom died when I was 12 of breast cancer. I have a gene where I have big breasts and somewhat short. So I've never gone to homecoming before because I'm afraid of my being picked up and hit on so I don't go. And my first homecoming was this weekend."

"That's cool! Except for the whole mom thing. I lost my mom too around 10 or 11. I don't exactly remember." Leslee said sadly.

"I'm sorry to hear that. It's not very fun but it happens and we have to learn to

accept that." I said calmly. "So tell me about yourselves."

Brooke went first.

"Well I have 2 dogs Splash and Bando. I have three brothers but we aren't blood related. Well barley blood related. Anyways, I'm originally from New York but I moved here after 8th grade and met Leslee. Um, my dad is an attorney and my mom is a doctor. I guess that's it."

"My turn!" Leslee's words got interrupted by the next bus stop loading. No one sat by me but whatever.

"Anyways, I'm Leslee and I came from Chicago when I was 6. My mom passed about 4 years later from thyroid cancer. I have a dog named Kate and she's three. I'm only child so I kinda get spoiled. Um. My dad is a banker and my mom is life guard. Not much but yeah."

"Oh. Well I'm so glad I got to know you two and we would make great friends!" I said, "do you guys want my phone number?"

They looked at each other and simultaneously shouted "YES"

"Okay. Mine is 638-***-****"

We exchanged numbers and set up cute contacts for each other. Like mine is

"🌺Kenna" and Brooke's is "✨Brooke" and Leslee's is "👑Leslee" and stuff. I completely forgot about Ethan until I saw Kelly's friends standing in my way.

"May we help you?" Leslee asked rather confidently. She was a shy person apparently.

"Yeah. Stay out of my way. And where is Kelly?" She snooted.

"How can we with your boobs sticking out and your huge clown feet in the way? And no, we have no idea where Kelly is." Brooke teased

"Uh. M. Meh. UGH!" Megan groaned and stomped away. I swear she broke a heel later on from how hard she stomped away.

"Wow you guys are awesome."

"Thanks. She's been bothering us forever."

My new friends were already awesome! I barley even met them and they were amazing! Two friends down, and a few more to go I guess.

I stuck around school with the two. At lunch, outside, on the bus. They were practically my best friends.

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