2. Present day

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2017 is not a good year. Patricia thought as she listed down the work of the day for Mads. He liked things organized and neat. No wonder he got the role of Hannibal, this mother fuc- She snapped out of her thoughts when the devil himself walked into the trailer.

"What's for today?" He asked as the makeup artist fixed his hair.

"You have an interview at 15:00 with ShortList and a photo shoot with Vogue at 17:00. The shoot for Chaos Walking is to go on for another one hour," Patricia replied.

"Couldn't you have gotten anything else for the day?" He sarcastically snapped.

"Mads, these are important things that I cannot avoid," she rolled her eyes. Lazy much?

"I want a day off tomorrow. Clear my schedules," Mads lit a cigarette.

"I can't do that. Tomorrow's an important day! How am I supposed to shift everything over one night?" Patricia almost yelled at the nuisance man.

He turned to her and blew out the smoke. He knew how much she hated the smoke and the smell of it. Mads did it on purpose anyway. She was scowling and Mads loved to see her angry because he hated her as much.

"Does it look like I give a flying fuck about it? Just do as you are asked," Mads replied with a smirk on his face.

I could bitch slap that smirk from his face. Mads got out of the trailer and the makeup artist, Savannah Lambert, smiled weakly at the girl. Savannah was the makeup artist for Mads since he started shooting Hannibal. He permanently hired her because she was good in her work.

"I am sorry that Mads does this to you but you know, he's stubborn," Savannah spoke softly.

"He hates me, everyone knows it. I don't really care if I have to reschedule his work for tomorrow but the people who I have to reschedule with throw a fit and all the yelling is what I have to hear," Patricia brought out her phone as she spoke.

"He doesn't hate you," Savannah said, confused herself.

"Yeah, sure," Patricia rolled her eyes.

The next one hour, she changed the schedules of everyone and she realized how much people hated her for being like this. All she could do was give them one excuse, "He has so much work, I think he deserves a break". No one could argue to that. The shoot for the day was over and Mads changed to his normal clothes.

"Did you change the schedule?" Mads asked as they got into the car.

"I did, do you know how mu-" She was cut off. What's with Mads and cutting me off?

"Change it back to how it was. I feel like working tomorrow," Mads added.

Patricia looked at him in disbelief. The man was unbelievable. These are the moments when she felt like killing him with her bare hands. What is this? A fucking joke? She breathed fast and calmed herself as she counted from one to ten.

"Mads," she breathed out. "It took me one whole hour to change your schedule".

"Yeah, alright. Change it back to how it was," Mads replied as easily as he could. "I pay you for doing this," he added.

"Technically, your agency does and not you," Patricia corrected him.

"Whatever it is, you get paid for doing this so maybe if you stop complaining and do it faster, you'll be done changing it in no time," Mads smirked.

To her, he acted like a five-year-old. He didn't know how to make up his mind. Another hour passed in correcting his schedule and giving calls and apologizing. He was a sadistic man who tortured her for his own satisfaction. The interview was done and they were on their way to the photo shoot.

"I want something to eat," Mads said as he was going through his phone. "Bring me lasagna".

"What?" Busy Patricia looked at him with a drowsy look.

"Lasagna. Get me lasagna," he repeated.

"Where do I get it from?" She asked. What am I to him? Maid? What's next? Personal stripper?

"There," he pointed out the car window.

She sighed. The car was stopped for her to go and bring him lasagna. She didn't eat anything for hours so the idea to buy herself something as well came to her mind. She gave the orders and patiently waited for five minutes before walking out with the food and seeing no car. Did he go away with the car? Again? This wasn't the first time he left her somewhere without waiting and the previous time it was to buy him a beer.

"Can you tell me why you left me here alone?" She called him.

"You were late, plus, time doesn't stop for you, Patricia. Find your way to the place, you know where to find me," he hung up. Damn that stupid accent!

Another good thing out of this whole set up was his accent and the way he pronounced her name. Patricia honestly liked his work, he was talented but as a human, he pretty much sucked. She got into the taxi and made her way to the studio. That's when her mother called.

"Ciao amore. Come stai? Tu e tuo padre ti manchi tanto! Quando tornerai a Madrid?" Her mother loudly spoke over the phone. Oh mum. (Hello, sweetheart. How are you? Your father and I miss you so much. When are you coming to Madrid?)

"Mamma, sto bene. Mi mancano entrambi troppo, ma il carico di lavoro è molto. Ti farò sapere quando decido di venire a Madrid," she replied smiling. (Mum, I am fine. I miss you both a lot too but the work load is a lot. I'll let you know when I decide to come to Madrid.)

"Non vedo l'ora di vederti qui. Come sta lavorando con Mads? Ti dà ancora un po 'di tempo?" Her mother asked worried. (I can't wait to see you back here. How's working with Mads? Is he still giving you a hard time?)

"Mi darà un momento difficile finché non muore, ma mi sono abituato, quindi non ti preoccupare, ma mamma, dovrò chiamarti più tardi. Ti amo Ciao!" she quickly replied as she paid the driver. (He will give me a hard time till he dies but I got used to it so don't worry about it but mum, I will have to call you later. I love you, bye!)

"Ti amo anch'io caro. Chiamami quando sei libero," her mother hung up. (I love you too, dear. Call me whenever you're free.)

Patricia ran inside the building to find Mads doing the photo shoot already. The one thing that she would give this man is that he is good looking, undoubtedly. She understands why women younger than him or women of his own age are so crazy about him. Only if they knew how he really is. She sat in one of the director chairs and ate her sandwich as the shoot went on. She noticed that Mads noticed her sitting there and looked at her for a brief second before tearing his eyes away from her.

(Mads' photo shoot look)

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(Mads' photo shoot look)

Couldn't he even look at her like a normal person? The fact that they hated each other didn't really bother her but she was curious. Maybe if he was a little bit more bearable, she wouldn't hate her job as much. The shoot ended and Mads was greeted goodbye by the others.

"Your lasagna," she handed him the packet.

"Eat your lasagna! I am not hungry anymore," he walked past her leaving her alone once again.

How could this man be so unbearable? She huffed and walked out of the building, only to find no Mads once again. He doesn't care, does he?

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