26. Assurance

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Mads listened to her carefully. Her father had a point and he probably would have reacted the same way if it was Viola but here he was being selfish. He could not let Patricia go away from him. He was finally happy and content. It had been too long that he put other people's happiness before his own. He didn't know how to articulate his words to Patricia. She was already devastated by how her father reacted. He sighed and just held her. She wasn't crying but she was very upset. 

"Patricia, love," Mads paused. "He does have a point," he finally laid it out.

"It doesn't matter. I am happy with you and that's all that should matter to him and I'm twenty four. I know what I am doing," Patricia huffed.

"Alright, love, let's just let this go. We have work to do," Mads changed the subject because there was no point in arguing with her.

She nodded and started taking all the boxes out of the apartment. They needed both the car for all the things to fit. Both Mads and Patricia drove to Pier 27 separately. They got all the boxes inside and started to unpack them and put it into places. 

After two hours everything was finally in place (Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgx8f--BtNE) and they both just plopped on the bed. They were tired and hungry. They ate and soon just fell asleep. Life was going good, apart from that dad argument, things were fine.

3 months later.

You know when they say something bad will have to happen after a good, they are absolutely true. Life was good until shit had to go down. Natalie. Patricia chanted her name in the airplane while Mads held her hand trying to calm her down. Natalie. She had gotten a call at 3 A.M. at night, her cousin was dying. She got herself in a car crash and was now fighting with death. Natalie. Patricia partly blamed herself for all of this. She was texting her when she was driving. Patricia had warned her to keep the phone but she just wouldn't. Her miscarriage made her depressed and she never told it to anyone but her. Natalie. Tears streamed down her face and Mads was assuring her that nothing was going to happen to her. All the negative thoughts were coming up together and Patricia thought her head might burst any second. They landed to Paris and Patricia was running across the airport to get a taxi. Mads followed her before she acted stupid. They got into the taxi and was soon at the hospital. 

"Nathaniel, where is she?" She ignored around her and asked him the question.

Nathaniel just stared at her with no expression. He looked devastated as if he had seen a ghost. Patricia went to Aunt Dalilah who looked worse than Nathaniel. Her parents were sitting there distracted. Mads felt like he was the only sane person in the hospital. He walked to the doctor and asked him what had happened. The doctor broke the news to him and he didn't know how he could inform Patricia.

"Patricia, love, please sit down," Mads held her and made her sit.

"How is she?" Patricia asked looking like a mess.

"She is no more," Mads replied, sighing.

Patricia's world fell apart. She stared in disbelief. How can it happen? He's lying. She stared at the man she loved and broke down in tears. Mads held her close to him and consoled her. He couldn't believe it himself. He had lost her life as soon as they were trying to stop the blood loss. Everyone looked terrible and it was obvious.

"We have to prepare for her funeral," Delilah finally spoke. 

"How can you say that?" Nathaniel spat.

"Son, I have had your father die in front of my eyes. Let her rest in peace,"  Delilah replied.

She rushed to the doctor and asked him to prepare the body so that they could start the funeral. Diego asked his sister to calm down but she wouldn't. She just asked him to take care of the paper work at the hospital and she will prepare for the funeral. Agnella decided to call the people. 

"Delilah, if there's anything I could do to help," Mads walked to her.

"It's alright, Mads," Delilah weakly smiled and left the hospital.

Patricia just stared blankly at the wall while Nathaniel tried to console her. He was crying himself. Mads went to Diego and tried to help him with the paperwork.

"I don't need your help," Diego said quickly.

"Mr. Blanco, we lost a loved one. Could we please just keep this aside for a bit?" Mads requested.

Diego didn't say anything. He filled in the form and left. Next, Mads went to Agnella and helped her with the calls. In the last three months, Mads had bonded with Delilah and Agnella but not so much with Nathaniel and Diego. He understood why. Both of them assumed that he was bad for Patricia. He understood the sentiments. Mads drove Patricia to Delilah's home and tried to make her fall asleep. Within minutes, she fell asleep. She was jet lagged and tired from crying. While Delilah prepared for the funeral, Mads helped her around. At one point, she got frustrated and gave up. Mads came to the rescue. He asked her to rest while he looked over the rest.

It was 11 A.M. in the morning and the funeral started. People started coming in giving their condolesence to the family. Within the next two hours, the burying procedure started. Everyone stood there while Natalie was getting buried. Patricia hadn't cried since she woke up from her sleep but she hadn't spoken to anyone either. Mads tried to feed her but she just wouldn't eat. Diego hadn't talked to Patricia for the last three months but seeing his daughter like this hurt him and so he tried to feed her as well. Diego's effort worked and she was eating. By afternoon, everything was done and everyone went back home. The sudden death was a shock to everyone, especially Patricia and he knew that she would need a change of scene soon. However, he suspected if Diego would let him take her anywhere. 

In the next two days, Patricia finally started to response to people. She wouldn't sleep with anyone but Mads. He gladly held her and slept. Diego wasn't very pleased but he didn't complain either. In the meantime, Thomas agreed to sign the script with Patricia which Mads informed to her and for a split second, she was happy. The rest of the family tried to be normal because that's what Natalie would have wanted for all of them. She was a jolly person and she never wanted anyone to be sad for her. All of them were just trying to upheld the good memories of Natalie.

"Why don't you come to Madrid for a week?" Diego had finally asked the million dollar question in a sunny morning.

Mads doubted if he was invited.  

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