4. Mr. Fuller

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Patricia read her favorite book of all time, "A Thousand Splendid Suns" as she laid on her bed. It took her two hours to rewrite the climax and calm herself down. She can never forgive Mads for what he did today. He has the nerve to do this to me, all the time. She huffed and kept her book aside. That man never leaves her mind and she would like to stop thinking about him. I mean, if it was even good thoughts, that at least would have given me some sort of peace but no, all these negative emotions for this one man. Patricia huffed again. The man apologized for what he did which further confuses her. He surely did not mean it, he needs me and so I gave him what he wants. His goddamn schedule! Patricia walked out of her bedroom and decided to make herself some coffee. She realized that she needs to talk to at least someone about her scripts. She could use the help of someone. Suddenly, her phone rang. Papa.

"Hi papá , cómo estás?" Patricia asked. At least one thing that will make me happy today. (Hi papa, how are you?)

"Oh querida, te extrañé tanto. Estoy bien, sólo un poco de dolor de vez en cuando. ¿Como estas? Tu madre dijo que no estabas muy feliz la última vez que te habló," her father's voice was soft and full of worry. (Oh my dear, I missed you so much. I am alright, just a little headache every now and then. How are you doing? Your mum said you weren't very happy the last time she spoke to you.)

"Papá, estoy bien. Sólo un poco estresado. Está tomando sus medicamentos a tiempo?" Patricia chirped. (Papa, I am okay. Just a little stressed. Are you taking your medicines on time?)

"I am taking my meds on time, don't worry. You tell me about you. How's work?"

"Work's okay. Mads' an asshole, as usual,"

"You should really just leave. You can always come back home,"

"Papá, no estoy hablando de esto de nuevo. Lo discutimos!" (Papa, I am not talking about this again. We discussed this!)

"Okay, okay! Now, listen, Natalie would be going to Toronto soon and she wants to stay at your place. Is that alright?"

"Natalie West, you mean?"

"Sí, y está muy emocionada de verte. Ella vino a nuestra casa anoche!" (Yeah, and she's very excited to see you. She came over to our house last night.)

"Claro, sabes que no soy muy aficionada a ella, verdad?" (Sure, you do know I am not very fond of her, right?)

"I am aware, she'll only stay for a week, I promise!"

"7 days is a long time but okay. Why is she coming?"

"I am not sure, she has some work,"

"Alright, papa, I am getting a call from a friend, I'll have to call you later,"

"Sí, claro, amor. Pero, um ... puede que quiera conocer a Mads Mikkelsen. Ella es una gran fan. Espero que no le importe presentarla a él!" (Yes, sure, love. But, um...she might want to meet Mads Mikkelsen. She's a big fan. I hope you don't mind introducing her to him!)

"Papa, this wasn't the deal!"

"Alright, love you, bye!"

Her father hung up the phone. She knew that there was something behind her father being so nice to her. She sighed. She had a history with this girl and she wasn't very excited to see her. She saw Bryan calling her again.

"Oh hi, Bryan. I am sorry, dad called me. What's up?" Patricia asked.

"Could you come down to Sunset Grill? I want you to meet someone," Bryan replied.

"Who? Is Mads around?" Patricia asked, carefully.

"He's here. Is that a problem? I mean, I sort of heard what happened but this is important for you. Remember I talked to Spike Jonze about that script you told me about? He wants to know more," Bryan sounded happy. Wow, now that's a news worth listening to!

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