13. Back to Day One

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Patricia's eyes were open and staring blankly at the ceiling while Sean slept on the couch. She insisted him to take the bed but he wanted her to sleep comfortably. Much of a comfortable sleep anyway! She sighed and tossed around. They didn't talk much. There wasn't much to talk about. The comfortability between them wasn't as much as it used to be. They were exes, after all. She quickly changed into her daily clothing and walked out to find an already dressed Mads and he looked annoyed.

"Are you alright?" Patricia asked Mads.

"I am fine, are you done with your lovey-dovey night?" Mads scowled.

"What got your knickers in a twist?" Patricia looked taken aback.

"We have to go back if you don't know. You are still working for me," Mads pointed out.

"I didn't ask you to come down here, did I?" Patricia asked. Why are we back to square one again?

Mads just stared at her before heading out. Sean walked out the room and looked confused. Patricia threw a weak smile at him. Sean held her but she uncomfortably moved away before walking out of the hotel. Sean was getting the vibe that things were not the same as before and his hopes of having her back were decreasing by seconds.

Patricia walked to Mads who was already sitting in the car. She looked at Sean and hugged him goodbye. Sean stared at her waiting for some sort of reply.

"I don't know what to reply to you," Patricia confessed. "This is very overwhelming," she added.

"Take your time, Alizah! Just let me know what you end up with in your head, alright?" Sean kissed her forehead and took a cab.

Patricia sat in the car with Mads who was looking out the window. Patricia failed to understand why he was reacting or was it even because of her? They were not salty anymore and going back to the same old situation was confusing to Patricia. Suddenly, her phone vibrated, only to find a news about her, Mads and Sean.

Trouble in paradise?

Patricia Blanco has been the news of the month after signing off her first script with Spike Jonze and being Scarlett Johannson's new best friend, her life has been no less than a rollercoaster. However, it seems like that life isn't shining so bright on her now. Danish hunk, Mads Mikkelsen, and Patricia were seen in Eveleigh Restaurant with the cast having dinner until an unknown gentleman took her away from the group. Things were pretty confusing as to who this man was until today morning when Mads was seen storming into his car and out of the hotel and this new good-looking gentleman kissed Patricia right on her forehead. Who is this hot new guy in Patricia's life? Is Mads well aware of what is going on? Is she cheating on him? Who knows? Do stay tuned to keep yourself updated with the power couple.

Sighing, she patted on Mads' shoulder and showed it to him. He read it carefully before handing her phone back to her. I am least bothered about what the media says right now. He sighed and kept looking out of the window. The silence was bothering Patricia a lot but she didn't know how to start a conversation. She had no idea why he was so angry at her. They arrived at the airport and within a few hours, they were back in Toronto. She had loads of emails to reply to and schedule a lot of things for Mads. Mads didn't bother dropping her off at her home. He simply left for his own home. Patricia soon forgot the silence and was back at work.

As for Mads, he kept on staring at the picture of that man kissing Patricia on her forehead. Are they back together? The question was bothering him too much but he wondered why it bothered him. They were pulling a stunt together for the woman he loved. Loved? Since when is it past tense? His feelings confused him. Was he living in denial of something that was happening between the both of them? Is he angry because she was with another man? Mads, you have to get your head back on track.

Author's Note: Sorry, the chapter was short but this was an important filler. Also, apologizing for the really late update.

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