8. Lost Opportunities

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"Wake up, you lazy piece o-" Patricia's eyes shot open.

"I am up," she quickly sat up. "What's gotten your panties in a twist?" She rubbed her eyes.

"I don't wear panties, and we're half an hour late so get your ass up," Mads wore his favorite perfume.

"That atrocious smell," Patricia groaned before walking towards her closet. He has an awful sense of smell.

She walked out quickly with good clothes and tied her ponytail before heading out with the man. They rushed through the lower lobby and there were paparazzi everywhere. Not a great time, please! Mads grabbed her hand to her surprise and shot smiles at the camera. She wasn't very pleased to be a part of this drama but did she have a choice? No. She pushed the cameras away and got into the car.

"What will be today's headline? Danish beau helped the damsel in distress?" Patricia mocked.

"I always knew you were an attention seeker," Mads chuckled.

"What? Where did that come from?" She frowned.

"Oh you know, you love all the cameras and headlines," he added.

"I am not an attention seeker. If you haven't noticed, I am helping you pull off whatever sick games you are playing with your ex. She is nicer than you portray her to be," Patricia went through her phone as she spoke.

"You don't even know her. Plus, nobody wants to know what you think. You are not important," Mads replied.

"Well, I still got on your nerves. Not important, huh?" Patricia smirked in victory.

"Who gave you the right to invade my private life?" Mads asked, losing his temper.

"Huh, Mads, I didn't want to be a part of your private life but your lie got me into this whatever weird situation," Patricia answered.

Mads remained silent. He knew that his lie is what got her into this sticky situation. But it's harmless, isn't it? He assured himself. They arrived at the set. Patricia walked in with him and being quite skeptical about the director, she warned him again.

"You still have time to back out," Patricia whispered.

"We had this conversation. The story's great and he is new in the industry. Deserves a chance," Mads replied. "You can't see the goodness in other's scripts, you're too ignorant for that. You're not open minded and so you still don't have your big break," he added.

Patricia cringed at his words. Was I actually ignorant? She thought to herself. The two were greeted by Joe Penna, the director of the movie.

"Hola, Mads y hermosa Patricia. Es muy agradable verlos juntos después de todas las noticias en la tele," Joe exclaimed as he hugged Mads. (Hello, Mads and beautiful Patricia. It's so nice to see you two together after all the news on the television.)

"Nice to see you, Joe," Patricia curtly replied.

Mads smiled at the man and then went off to his make up room. Patricia fidgeted to see as the time went on. She did not inform Mads about her meeting with Tim Bevan. Four more hours to go. She thought of everything that could possibly take place. Hours went on and Mads was enjoying the shoot. He really liked Joe and the film story as well. He got dressed and walked to Patricia only to find her gone. What the hell?

"Where are you?" Mads questioned as soon as she answered the phone.

"On my way to Tim Bevan's office. I have a meeting," Patricia replied.

"Patricia, do you not have the least amount of decency to at least let me know that you're leaving?" Mads asked, annoyed to the peak.

"Now you know how it feels what you leave me stranded," she replied. I am sure she is smirking.

"You're very unprofessional," he spat and hung up. I'll just go and meet Hugh.

On the other hand, Patricia felt guilty of being unprofessional. It was very unlike her but desperate times called for desperate measures. She reached the building and ran her way to the elevator, only to find a leaving Tim.

"Mr. Bevan, I was here to meet you," Patricia breathed heavily.

"Ms. Blanco?" He stared at her. "You're late and I have to leave. I have other things to do," he added.

"Sir, I am just five minutes late. I won't take a long time," she requested.

"Miss, I think my secretary informed you about how punctual I am. It doesn't matter if it's five minutes or five hours," Tim replied. "I'll ask my assistant to reschedule," he left.

Patricia didn't know what else to say. This could have been a very important thing for her. She lost it. She lost her opportunity. She was almost on the verge of crying. She wiped her eyes quickly and turned around to bump into someone. Isn't this great?

"I am so sorry," an elderly man's voice knocked her back to senses.

"I am sorry, it was my fault," Patricia's voice croaked.

"Miss, are you alright?" the man asked and she looked up to find Ridley Scott, one of her favorites.

"Oh Mr. Scott, I am so sorry for this," Patricia tried to clean his shirt with the tissue she had.

"No, miss. I was on my phone. I was trying to figure out this new thing on Instagram. Oh, and you look so upset. Everything alright, miss?" Ridley asked her.

"Patricia Blanco, I just lost my appointment with Tim Bevan," she sighed.

"Tim's gone? Damn it, I was here to meet him too. I guess we both are in the same situation. Do you want me to buy you an ice cream?" He chuckled.

"No, Mr. Scott, it's completely alright," she smiled.

"Call me Ridley, and I insist," he urged.

She nodded and they both walked into an ice cream parlor that was inside the skyscraper. They sat down and she noticed all these known faces. Patricia, for the first time, felt intimidated.

"What were you doing here, Patricia? Who do you work for?" Ridley asked, curiously.

"I was supposed to talk to Tim about a script I sent him a few weeks ago, and uh, didn't really happen," replying nervously she took a bite off her ice cream.

"You're a writer?" He asked again.

"I am actually an aspiring writer and director. Haven't really worked with any big productions though, just small plays back in university. For now, I am working for Mads Mikkelsen as his assistant," she answered.

"Well, you got to start somewhere, right? I was myself looking for someone new to work with. You got any script?" he sipped on his coffee.

"I do, I am not so sure if you'll like it though," she was embarrassed.

"Patricia, never be under confident about your work. The first golden rule in Hollywood. You have to let others see that you know your story and you're confident about it. This is my card and send me the script tonight. I'll look at it," Ridley gave her his card.

Oh wow! She stared at the card and then smiled at the man who was already smiling. He took her leave and now she was on her way back to the hotel. The day wasn't as bad as she thought it would turn out to be. She sent the script as soon as she reached the hotel and got a call from Hugh.

"Where are you?" Hugh asked.

"At the hotel. Is Mads with you?" Patricia asked him back.

"He is. Why don't you come down in Hyde?" Hugh asked.

"Alright, I'll be there," she hung up.

After a long day of work, she deserved some fun. After all, being with Hugh won't be that bad.

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