22. Carl Mikkelsen

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Carl was there with his girlfriend, Michelle Holm. Michelle was a beautiful African-Danish girl. Mads was surprised to see his son here at the Art Gallery because they lived in Denmark. Carl was 21 years old, only three years younger to Patricia.

"Dad!" Carl exclaimed seeing his father.

"Carl, what are you doing here?" Mads asked, unsure how to react.

"A study tour from our university is going on so we're here," he said looking back at Michelle.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Mikkelsen," Michelle shook her hands with the man. "And you must be Patricia," Michelle looked at the her with acceptance.

"Yes, nice to meet you, Michelle," Patricia hugged her while the girl quickly hugged her back.

"Carl, this is my gi-" Mads tore his eyes from the girls and tried introducing Patricia properly.

"Your girlfriend, I am aware," Carl narrowed his eyes to the girl. "She's pretty, dad," he smiled.

"Thank you," Patricia replied with a smile.

"Happy birthday, by the way," Michelle wished her.

"Yeah, happy birthday! It's all over TMZ," Carl added to his girlfriend.

"Thanks to both of you," Patricia replied.

"Do you want to stay with us for the rest of the art gallery tour?" Mads finally spoke.

"I don't think it's necessary," Carl quickly shook down the offer.

"I insist," Patricia came to the rescue. "I'd be very happy, plus Mads hasn't met you in ages," she added.

She saw Michelle press his hand and he quickly smiled. They started the tour together. Mads was very awkward in front of his son. Carl seemed a bit more accepting than Viola. Patricia could understand how she must feel. Thank God mum and dad don't watch TV. She smiled weakly. Michelle was trying to make a conversation with her and she obliged.

Mads on the other hand didn't know what to say to his son. They were never really close, or to be very honest, Carl was closer to Hanne than him.

"Dad, Jeg ved, du føler dig akavet. Hvis jeg var på dit sted, ville jeg have følt mig akavet selv, men jeg er glad for at du gik videre. Jeg mener, både viola og jeg støttede mor, da hun ønskede at blive gift med Gerhard, så det er kun rimeligt, at vi støtter dig i dine ting. Jeg kan ikke tale for Viola, men jeg er okay med Patricia. Hun synes at være meget flink af en person og vigtigst af alt, hun gør dig glad. Jeg kender både violin og jeg har ikke været de bedste børn til dig. Vi var ikke der, da du havde brug for os, og jeg føler mig dårlig om det. Vi var mere til at støtte mor. Vi så ikke, at du faldt fra hinanden, og jeg er ked af det. Jeg vil gerne gøre det ved at støtte dig virkelig til denne beslutning, du har lavet. Selvom du beslutter dig for noget mere i fremtiden, støtter jeg dig, uanset om mor eller violin gør eller ej. Du har altid været en stor far til os, og vi savner dig. Viola har lige været vred og du ved hvorfor. Patricia er meget yngre end dig, og hun er endda to år yngre end viola, og hun har det svært at fordøje. Hun kommer over det i tide. Du er ikke bekymret for hende. Jeg ved, hun snakker ikke til dig nu, men hun vil til sidst. Jeg ved ikke, om hun vil lide Patricia eller ej, men hun vil tale med dig igen. Jeg håber du forstår situationen," Carl spoke his heart. (I know you feel awkward. If I was at your place, I would have felt awkward myself but I am glad you moved on. I mean, both Viola and I supported mum when she wanted to get married to Gerhard so it's only fair that we support you in your thing. I can't speak for Viola but for me, I am okay with Patricia. She seems to be very nice of a person and most importantly, she makes you happy. I know both Viola and I haven't been the best children to you. We weren't there when you needed us and I do feel bad about that. We were more into supporting mum. We didn't see that you were falling apart and I am sorry. I want to make it up to you by supporting you genuinely for this decision that you made. Even if you decide something more in the future, I'll support you, regardless if mum or Viola does or not. You've always been a great father to us and we do miss you. Viola has just been angry and you know why. Patricia is a lot younger than you and she is even two years younger than Viola and so she is having a hard time to digest. She'll get over it in time. You don't worry about her. I know she's not talking to you now but she eventually will. I don't know if she will like Patricia or not but she will talk to you again. I hope you understand the situation.)

Mads was out of words. He never knew when his son grew up so fast and actually supported him. Mads just hugged him and Carl hugged him back.

"Tak, Carl. Du har ingen anelse om, hvor meget det betyder for mig og Patricia," Mads replied to him. (Thank you, Carl. You have no idea how much this means to me and Patricia.) "Du er en stor søn," he added. (You're a great son.)

Carl smiled and they were joined again by the ladies. The four stayed for a few more hours and soon realized that it was 6 P.M. Patricia urged them to stay with them for dinner but both of them reclined.

"It's your birthday. You should spend it with dad," Carl had said.

While going back, Patricia heard the story from Mads and she couldn't be happier. She knew how much this meant to Mads and suddenly his mood was just better.

"This is for you," Mads handed her the 'Open when' box. Patricia stared at his in disbelief.

"Don't tell me you wrote them all?" Patricia opened the lid of the box and there were bunch of letters.

"Not all of them, I personalized this with the help of an online store. I saw Viola doing this once for a friend. I thought it was pretty cute and so I found it. Savannah helped," Mads rubbed the back of his neck.

"The amount of effort you put into plannig this is unbelievable," Patricia started crying again. "How would I repay you?" she asked.

"Just be with me forever," Mads kissed her.

The next stop was the National Ballet of Canada. The 30 minutes performance was breathtaking and the duo enjoyed the sophistication. Afterwards, they went for dinner at Harbord Room. Patricia was truly happy that day. Every moment felt special and finally the last stop for the day was the CN Tower. Mads took her to this beautiful isolated place to look over the city. They held each other and watched the city glow. Nobody had done so much for her and she couldn't ask for more. All of what Mads did was more than enough.

"Patricia Alizah Blanco," he breathed out and she looked at him. "Every second today would be cherished by me forever. There was a time when I wouldn't have imagined this but now I am so glad that you happened to me. I want to tell you this that I feel ready, more than ever. Be my girlfriend?"

Mads pulled out a ring in front of her and Patricia just stared at the beauty.

"This is a promise ring to you, my love. I would stay with you till I breath my last," Mads looked at her with hopes.

Patricia just managed to nod and kiss him in return. The moment was beautiful and couldn't have been any better. They were finally in a relationship, that too on her birthday. Life just got ten times better.

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