19. Sister-love

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Natalie was tired. She never wanted to come to Toronto just for work, she wanted some personal time for herself. Especially with the baby now. Natalie sighed. She was two months pregnant and she didn't break the news to anyone. Natalie was finally promoted to her much-awaited post, Director. She was the youngest director in the investment bank firm, Michel Dyens & Co. She didn't want one night's of a mistake to have her future at loss. Natalie opened the front door of Patricia's apartment only to find her peacefully sleeping with another man. Thank God they are dressed! She closed the door quietly and went to her room. Five more days till she goes back to Paris and figures something out. 

"Natalie, are you back?" she heard her cousin's voice.

"Oh yeah, I didn't want to disturb you and," Natalie pointed at the man.

"Mads you mean?" Patricia asked.

"Mads? Are you and he dating?" Natalie asked a little taken aback.

"It's complicated. According to the media, we are dating for the past two months but we aren't actually dating. It was initially just a stunt to make his ex-wife jealous but things were," Patricia was cut off. What are you talking about, woman?

"Wait, what? Let me get this straight. You are working as his personal assistant who's his alleged girlfriend in media for making his ex-wife jealous? Are you guys sleeping together?" Natalie asked, concerned.

"Initially it was a stunt. I don't think it is now. Things have changed and no, we haven't slept together," Patricia replied flustered.

"I sense a 'yet' there. Are you sure he's not just trying to get into your pants only?" Natalie asked and Patricia looked at her confused. "Look, I am a big fan of Mads, okay? He's a great man but he's 52, newly divorced and might be looking for a getaway. I don't want you to be the getaway for him. You're just 23, Patricia. You have a whole life to see," Natalie explained her cousin.

"You don't know him that well. I don't think he's taking me as a...rebound," Patricia insisted.

"I hope I am wrong, I really do. I don't want him to use you or anything," Natalie smiled weakly. "But he's definitely something," she winked.

"Stop it," Patricia blushed again.

"Is he awake though? I wanted to go out with you tonight. I have things that I need to talk about," Natalie asked.

"I am not so sure if he's awake. Where do you want to go?" Patricia asked back.

"Nota Bene? I saw it while coming back from work. Looks fancy!" Natalie replied.

"Alright sure," her cousin replied and disappeared back into the living room.

She doesn't remember it's her birthday tomorrow, does she? Natalie chuckled and went for a shower. She wanted to make it a pleasant birthday for her. After all, she was her only cousin. 

Patricia said her goodbye to the handsome man and walked to her room. She really missed being with her family and Natalie was the only family right now. Natalie handed her a dress bag and asked her to wear it for her.

"This is way too fancy," Patricia pouted.

"Just wear it," Natalie order.

 (Patricia's look for the evening)

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 (Patricia's look for the evening)

Patricia tied her hair into a messy bun with simple, evening makeup. The dress was too dramatic but she wasn't shocked to see Natalie's choice. As soon as she walked out of the room, Natalie chirped. 

"Dio mio! Sei bellissima, tesoro!" Natalie took a photo of the blushing woman. (Oh my God! You look gorgeous, honey!)

"Grazie! Ma è troppo drammatico per un vestito!" Patricia replied. (Thank you! But this is way too dramatic of a dress!)

"Zitto, donna. Sei bellissima. Ora, andiamo a mangiare. Siamo già in ritardo," Natalie dragged her out of the door. (Shut up, woman. You look gorgeous. Now, let's go and eat. We're already late)

The two got into the car and drove to the fine dine restaurant. They sat and it seemed to Patricia as if the waiters knew that they were going to be here from before. As suspicious as it was, she let it go. 

"Allora, cosa hai da dirmi? Sto diventando curioso," Patricia asked while her champagne was being poured. (So, what do you have to tell me? I am getting curious.)

"Va bene, devi essere pronto per questo, ok?" Natalie breathed out. (Alright, you need to be ready for this, okay?) "I am pregnant and I got a promotion," she informed quickly, gulping down the glass of champagne that she had.

"Aspetta cosa?" Patricia blinked a couple of times, trying to process the information in her head. (Wait what?) "Congratulations?" she said confused.

"Did you understand what I said?" Natalie asked confused herself.

"I did. You got a promotion," Patricia answered. "And you're pregnant?" she asked. The woman nodded quickly.

"So, two months ago, I was at a colleague's bachelorette party. Everyone was having fun and there was this davvero carino (really cute) stripper and abbiamo cliccato e abbiamo finito per fare sesso (we clicked and ended up having lots of sex)," Natalie explained. 

"When did you get to know about the pregnancy?" Patricia asked. "La Aunt Dalila lo sa?" she asked once more. (Does Aunt Dalila know?)

"About two weeks ago. I was having weird cravings and a messed up menstrual cycle. Took a test and it came out positive. I went to a clinic and got to know that I was one and a half month's pregnant. I don't even know that stripper's name," Natalie looked upset. "And no, mum doesn't know about this," she added at the last.

"Are you going to keep it?" Patricia asked and the appetizer's arrived.

"I think so. I mean, I am capable enough to feed myself and the baby but I really didn't want to be a single parent like mum. I have seen her being so stressed after dad died," Natalie answered.

"I understand and what about the promotion?" asked Patricia.

"I got the director, finally," the cousin replied.

"That's great! At least, that's one thing that came out right. Cheers to that!" Patricia raised her glass and so did Natalie. 

The rest of the dinner was a lot of catching up and a lot of laughter. They wondered if they would be kicked out from the restaurant for laughing too loud but Natalie had lots of other things planned for her. Surprises awaited her and it was just 10 P.M. 

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