6. Untitled Presence

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Patricia chewed her gum and waited for Mads to come to the airport. She was fast with packing her bags because half her life she had to travel to Naples and then back to Madrid. Sighing she played with her phone and soon Mads was in sight. Mads sat next to her with a stern look.

"May I know why we're traveling to Los Angeles at this hour?" Patricia asked. His schedule did not say L.A.

"Arctic's filming starts from tomorrow in L.A," Mads replied. He's behaving politely, what?

"But I thought it was in-" she got cut off. Back to being an asshole.

"Yeah, well, it got changed. Plus, what are you wearing? What is this? A ramp walk?" Mads asked frowning.

"Why do you care? Not my fault that you look like a dumpster street boy," Patricia's comeback was bad and even she knew it.

"Right, we both know who's the dumpster here," Mads rolled his eyes.

They both were traveling in his private jet which always fascinated Patricia. Their luggage was taken in and they were on board. The hostess, Sarah Richards, came in with a bottle of beer and a glass of champagne.

"Thanks, Sarah! How's your daughter?" Patricia asked.

"She's a lot better than before. We got her back home two days ago. She loved the chocolates," Sarah replied smiling.

"I am sure she did," Patricia sipped her champagne.

Mads was reading something on his Kindle while Patricia listened to music. They were never the talking types. None of them were interested to talk to each other. They just had to make the whole thing bearable. But, Patricia couldn't help but wonder why he did what he did this afternoon.

"Mads, why did you lie to Hanne?" Patricia finally decided to ask.

Mads looked at her annoyed and then replied nothing. Patricia frowned at his ignorance. My bad that I even asked! Patricia went back to do whatever she was doing. As for Mads, he didn't want to talk about Hanne or what happened. He regretted calling Patricia his girlfriend but he was shadowed with jealousy when he saw Gerhard kissing the woman he loves so dearly. He could never understand what went wrong. She never gave him an explanation.


Mads came home after months. He was going to see his wife and children after so long. His Doctor Strange filming had just ended and he was given a small vacation before promotions started. He unlocked the door of his house and realized no one was home. Viola and Carl were supposed to be out for college but where was Hanne? He kept his bag in the living room before making himself coffee. How much he missed home! He sat down in his living room before hearing car tire screeching in front of his home. That must be Hanne! He smiled and walked to open the door but before he could, he saw his wife hugging a man and smiling at him like she would smile at Mads. He felt a hint of jealousy. Must be her friend, of course. Infidelity wasn't possible by Hanne and Mads knew it. Hanne walked towards the door and Mads opened it for her.

"Oh Mads," Hanne exclaimed, shocked and disappointed.

"Åh skat, jeg savnede dig så meget," Mads hugged her but felt a slight disinterest from his wife. (Oh honey, I missed you so much)

Hanne walked in the house while Mads locked the door. He could understand that there was something wrong but he didn't really understand what. Hanne sat down next to him without speaking a word.

"You came home early," Mads couldn't figure out if it was a question or a statement.

"Ja kærlighed! Er du ikke glad?" Mads asked. (Yes, love! Aren't you happy?)

"Jeg skal tale med dig om noget," Hanne replied. (I need to talk to you about something.) "I am seeing a man," she added.

"What?" He was confused.

"Der er denne mand i mit liv, Gerhard. Han er en stor mand, og jeg er forelsket i ham," Hanne whispered. (There is this man in my life, Gerhard. He's a great man and I-I am in love with him.)

"What are you talking about? I don't understand," Mads looked at the woman in disbelief. "Hvad mener du, du er forelsket i ham?" He asked. (What do you mean you're in love with him?)

"Mads, you and I, we are not working out. You have been away from home for so long. I am not in love with you anymore. I don't know how to explain it any better," Hanne answered.

"Du skal forklare mig dette," Mads almost yelled. (You have to explain me this.)

"Mads, jeg ved, du er sur, men vi arbejder ikke ud," Hanne tried to calm him down. (Mads, I know you're angry but we're not working out.) "I am sorry," she apologized.

"Do the kids know about it?" Mads asked after a brief pause. "Kender børnene om det, Hanne?" He yelled. (Do the kids know about it, Hanne?)

The woman nodded. Mads felt his heart tear into pieces. He has known this woman for so long and he thought they were in love but now she is in love with another man. He couldn't bring himself into thinking that she was emotionally attached to someone else. She was saying those three words to someone else. He felt betrayed, even his kids knew about it but they didn't inform him. This meant that they supported their mother.

"Why, Hanne? Why?" He asked repeatedly.

"Jeg var så alene, og du var altid så følelsesmæssigt fjern. Jeg vidste ikke hvad jeg skulle gøre. Du var ikke den mand, jeg giftede mig med. Du skiftede," Hanne answered, almost angrily. (I was so alone and you were always so emotionally distant. I didn't know what to do. You were not the man I married. You changed.)

"I changed? Hanne? Are you even serious right now? You are the one who's in love with someone else, not me," Mads screamed at her. "Jeg er stadig forelsket i dig," he added. (I am still in love with you.)

"Jeg kan ikke håndtere dette, Mads. Det er jeg ked af. Jeg vil sende i skilsmisse papirer," Hanne informed. (I cannot deal with this, Mads. I am sorry. I will send in the divorce papers.)

"Skilsmisse papirer? Hanne? Hvad laver du? Forlad mig ikke," he was on the verge of crying. (Divorce papers? Hanne? What are you doing? Don't leave me.) "We can make this work. Remember, till death do us apart?" tears streamed down.

"Don't make this any harder for me, please," Hanne replied, guilty and sad.

"Du knuser mit hjerte. Hvad skal jeg gøre uden dig? Hele mit liv er bygget op omkring dig. Hvorfor gør du det her mod mig? Jeg er afhængig af dig, Hanne. Lad mig ikke forlade mig. Vi vil gøre dette arbejde. Jeg giver dig hele tiden du har brug for. Jeg beder dig, Hanne, vær venlig at blive," Mads cried looking at the stranger. (You're breaking my heart. What am I supposed to do without you? My whole life is built around you. Why are you doing this to me? I depend on you, Hanne. Please don't leave me. We will make this work. I'll give you all the time you need. I beg you, Hanne, please stay.)

"Mads," she breathed out. "Jeg vil være egoistisk denne gang. Jeg bliver nødt til at forlade. jeg elsker ham," her voice was stern. (I will be selfish this time around. I will have to leave. I love him.)

Mads never felt this stinging pain in his heart. He couldn't think anything. He wiped his tears and left the home with his bags, back to Toronto that night. That was the longest night in his life. Life after that was haywire. She sent in the divorce papers after a month herself. She moved out of his house while Carl and Viola stayed back. Mads was very reluctant to sign the divorce papers. He begged her to stay again but she had made her decision to leave. In the following month, he heard that she had gotten married to the other man. His life fell apart.

*End of Flashback*

Mads sighed and drank his beer. Life was bad for him for the last six months and seeing them together made it a lot worse.

"Mads, you need to see this," Patricia's voice echoed in the silence. Now what?

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