14. Impulsive People

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Mads was at a photo shoot with Patricia sitting at the backstage texting Scarlett. She was telling Patricia how much she loves to do the voiceovers and that the story is great. But soon came the question of the millennium.

"Is everything okay with you and Mads?" Scarlett texted her.

Patricia fiddled her thumbs. She didn't know how to respond to that question. Mads wasn't talking to her properly and they were not in a relationship, of course. 

"Yeah, everything's alright," Patricia clicked sent. I have no idea what that means but please don't ask me any more questions.

Mads' phone was with her and that was a regular thing until that day when she wished she didn't have it on her. His phone kept buzzing again and again. She was trying to ignore it because that will be an invasion of privacy to look. Would it hurt to look through the notifications though? She bit her bottom lip and pulled out his phone from her bag. 

"Are you alright, love? I saw the news. Did you guys break up?" 

"Are you busy? Or are you ignoring me? I am sorry if I asked the wrong question".

"Mads, please reply me, okay?"

"We need to talk. I feel liable for what happened to you. I feel guilty. Gerhard's not around, please call me as soon as you get this".

Hanne? All the texts read from his ex-wife and Patricia was confused. Where they back on talking terms? Her eyes were teary and she didn't even know why. She tried to stop herself from crying for this unknown reason. 

"Mads wants his phone," one of the assistants came forward. Of course, he does!

She handed the phone to the assistant before pulling out her own phone. She didn't really understand what she was about to do but if this made any difference to the heartache she felt, she was going to take the chance. 

"I am in Toronto, could we talk?" she hit sent and instantly regretted it.

"I moved to Toronto just a week back for six months. Where do you want to meet?" the reply came quickly. I don't know what to do.

"How about Tango Palace?" Patricia let her thumbs do the talking.

"No problem, see you at 6?" the next reply was quicker than the last one.

"Fine," last text and she kept her phone in the bag. Sean.

She let her impulsive self do this and she was trying to think about all the possible consequences. It will be on the news and Mads will probably hate her for ruining his nice plan. Since when do I make impulsive decisions? 

"Someone has not been working," a voice spoke from above her and she knew who it was.

"I have nothing to do at the moment, Mads. I already did everything. What do you want me to do in the spare time? Clean your shoes?" Patricia asked, angrily.

"Not a bad idea. I haven't had a proper maid in ages," Mads replied. "Reminding of the maid, you'll come with me to my house. There are a few things that need to be sorted out," he added.

"How long do I have to stay?" Patricia asked, looking at her watch. 4.50 PM already?

"Probably till late night, I don't know. Why?" Mads asked, looking clearly annoyed.

"I have someone to meet at 6," she informed. Should I tell him who I am meeti-

"You're meeting that weird boyfriend of yours? That man clearly doesn't have a sense of style and looks like an alien with that atrocious hairstyle. Anyway, suits you," Mads pointed out, chuckling at his own humor.

"He does not look like an alien! He is a very good-looking man, mind you!" Patricia defended Sean and suddenly her old hatred for Mads was coming back.

"As I said, he suits you. You both look awful together and I hope you have ugly kids in the future,"

"How dare you say that? Your wife left you for your filthy self, nobody gives you the right to speak about someone else's relationship like that!"

"You have no idea why my wife and I got divorced so don't assume for shit,"

"Then stop saying things about my Sean as well!"

"Your Sean? That crackhead looking, lass, you mean? Can't even speak English properly. Did you notice his accent? I am sure you did, he must have gotten you under his spell with that hilly-billy accent of his! Won't be even shocked when he leaves your pitiful ass midway, just like Hugh did. All you'll ever be is people's rebound, as you were mine!"

Both of them went silent. The silence incurred for two reasons. Firstly, they realized that they were in public and had lots of eyes on them. Secondly, Mads regretted everything he said and Patricia was shocked to be labeled as a 'rebound'. She felt her heart clogged up and tears forming in her eyes. She walked out of the set and quickly took a cab to Tango Palace. She needed some time alone before she met Sean. She didn't want to look like an utter mess.

Mads sighed and mentally punched himself for saying all the crap to her. He was already upset by the texts from Hanne. Suddenly she was so concerned and he realized that maybe Gerhard was not giving her enough attention and so she was hopping back to him. He replied with a simple text to his ex that read, "Don't text me. My girlfriend doesn't like it and you have a husband to cater to. I am just your children's father - none of your responsibility anymore". He had finally realized that the woman he loved was a woman who only thought about her own needs and nobody else's. His anger raged more when he saw Patricia meeting that man again. He will have to do his work at home alone and this time, he will be more guilty than the last time. Mads was aware that he broke her heart and he didn't know how to mend it. What have I done? 

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