11. Decency

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The next week was a blur for Patricia both emotionally and physically. She was being haunted by paparazzi everywhere. They were asking her weird questions and she was worried that her career might be halted for this lie that both Mads and Patricia were going along with. As for her scripts, she suddenly had gotten a call of confirmation from Spike Jonze on her script and wanted to let her know that he got producers and was casting Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johannson as the leads. She remembered jumping up and down as soon as she heard Scarlett's name as she was a huge fan. Patricia wanted to fly to L.A to see the pre-production but thanks to Mads' hectic schedule, she failed to make time. Both her and Mads were weirdly decent with each other after their conversation on the airplane. Mads has been calm and did not show any signs of weird behavior with her either. As of the kiss in Hyde, they never talked about it. Apart from the fact that Patricia has been thinking of it lately, she brushed off any other weird thoughts. Hugh tried contacting her but she has been successfully ignoring his existence. She wasn't going to be anyone's rebound. Mads chuckled when he heard her say that. 

"I am glad you got some sense in yourself," his remark made her roll her eyes. 

For now, they were in Tokyo with the famous Hideo Kojima and they were doing the screening of Mads through cameras and computers. She was never a gamer but her ex-boyfriend was a huge Kojima fan. This brings her to thinking about the one thing she never really wants to think of. 

Sean Peterson was an English-Irish guy whom she met at a film festival at her university in Prague. He was traveling for business purpose in Prague and stumbled upon the film festival because of his love for movies. They clicked. Patricia was still a freshman and he was a law graduate from Oxford. She was 19 while he was 23. She never had a problem with their five years age gap but what bothered her was the distance. Thanks to his rich parents, he flew to Prague twice a month to meet her. He was the perfect man to her and he was. Still today, she can never tell that he was bad to her or loved her less. Their relationship flourished and so did their love. Everything was perfect and as soon as she was done with her undergrad, she flew to the United Kingdom to be with him. He lived in Buckinghamshire and so she had enrolled herself in NFTS to be closer to him. Even then, things were perfect. Three weeks before her graduation, they broke up. Sadly, none of them cheated or had any bad reason to leave off their relationship. They broke up because it just wasn't working out for them. Miscommunication and priority issues being the biggest reasons for the breakup. Within all the heartbreak, she had moved to L.A for getting a job. They haven't been in contact since then. It had been six months that they broke off their six years relationship. It broke her heart for not being with him but it was for the best. It was better to be happy by being apart than being unhappy by being together. He was still in Buckinghamshire and here she was struggling with life. She knew that he wasn't seeing anyone because he still loved her. 

"Patricia, we are done," Mads' voice snapped her back to reality.

"Yes, of course," she hopped off the chair and walked off with him.

"Did you talk to Spike?" Mads asked.

"About?" Patricia asked back.

"The movie, of course," Mads replied.

"We haven't talked. The shoot starts today," Patricia replied sadly. 

"Why aren't you going there?" Mads asked as the drove back to their hotel.

Patricia looked at him with disbelief. Of course, he knows why she wasn't going to L.A. She rolled her eyes and didn't answer him. She found herself at the airport with a car of the hotel waiting for them.

"I thought we were leaving tomorrow," Patricia was confused.

"I am leaving tomorrow but you are going to L.A now," Mads smiled.

"Are you pulling my leg because if you are, I swear I-" She was cut off.

"For God's sake, Patricia, go to L.A. I am a bad person but not a Satan, yet. So, go to L.A and meet me the day after tomorrow in Toronto. We both deserve a break," Mads assured her.

As much as Patricia wanted to hug him and thank him, she just threw him a genuine smile. She took her bag and walked inside the airport. Mads waved her bye and was off to his way to the airport. It had been a while since he spent some good time with himself. He was finally accepting the fact that Hanne was married to someone else. He couldn't let it haunt him for the rest of his lives. He wasn't bitter to Patricia as much anymore. Of course, they fought every now and then but he realized that she deserved some decency from him. He planned her trip so that she could feel her dream come true. He knew how it felt and so he wanted her to be happy. He hadn't talked to Viola or anyone else. They all needed time. He sighed and realized a phone buzzing inside his jacket's pocket. He pulled out the phone to find Patricia's phone. Damn it. There was a text message from someone named Sean Peterson. His heart dropped a little when he saw the text. Who was he? 

"I miss you. I am coming to L.A," read the text. 

He didn't understand who this Sean guy was but he felt his heart break a little. Well, he needed to give the phone back to her. It's important. I mean, her phone. 

Patricia realized her phone wasn't with her. She mentally slapped herself. Her excitement always gets the worst out of her. She wondered if Mads would come himself to give the phone to her or would she just have to contact people in some other way now. 

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