5. Gerhard

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Calm down, Mads, calm the fuck down. Mads started to distract himself from whatever he was seeing. The man had his arms around his wife, scratch that, ex-wife and they seemed happy. Why do I have to go through this? Mads felt terrible being where he was and Bryan noticed that.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Bryan asked and looked behind him to find Hanne. "Oh," that was all that he could say.

Patricia had never seen the woman up front and being as curious as she is, she decided to look behind her and see the woman. Hanne was beautiful and the man by her was also very good looking. If she had to compare though, Mads would take the lead. But love's blind! She thought to herself.

"I don't want them to notice me here," Mads' voice was low.

"Does it really matter? Just look away," Bryan insisted.

Patricia, for once, knew that Hanne wasn't like those evil ex-wives and she was a very nice woman. Even Bryan agreed to that. Things changed in their marriage, even though Patricia wasn't quite sure what. The thing that she noticed was Mads was very bottled about his feelings. He never really talked about his emotions with anyone. So, why the divorce even happened was still a mystery to the world and to his friends. As they all silently watched the couple from afar, Hanne finally noticed them. Awkwardly all three of them looked away. Patricia noticed how uncomfortable Mads was. He was being very fidgety and didn't want to make any eye contact. I have never seen him like this. He isn't over her yet, is he? Suddenly, Patricia felt bad for him. At least, he wasn't like the other men who sleep with other women as soon as the divorce comes off. In the last five months, she has never seen a woman with him. He was always very isolated or always busy.

"Mads, det er godt at se dig her," a soft voice came from above them. Hanne. (Mads, it's good to see you here)

"Hej, så dig ikke her. Din mand er her også?" Mads quickly responded. (Hey, didn't see you here. Your husband's here too?)

Hanne stared at him for a second before replying, "Yeah, Gerhard's here. He's picking up a few things from the store. How have you been?"

"I am alright, just busy with filming and friends," Mads replied. He's trying too hard, obviously, she sees through him.

"Okay, det er godt at vide, at du er bedre end før. Carl og Viola fortalte mig, at du endnu ikke har snakket med dem," Hanne said, not so impressed. I wonder what they are actually talking about. (Okay, it's good to know that you are better than before. Carl and Viola told me that you have not yet talked to them.)

"Ja, vi snakker ikke nu nu," Mads replied, equally unimpressed. (Yeah, we are not on talking terms now.)

"You can't do this to your children, Mads. You have to talk to them. Why are you punishing them for what I have done? How is that fair?" Hanne asked, furrowing her brows.

"Jeg taler ikke om dette med dig og især ikke for andre mennesker. Min beslutning om ikke at tale med dem nu er noget, jeg har brug for til min egen personlige vækst. De har dig, de har ikke brug for mig," replied Mads. Uh, he doesn't want us to understand, does he? (I am not talking about this with you and especially, not in front of other people. My decision to not talk to them now is something I need for my own personal growth. They have you, they don't need me.)

"De har brug for dig," Hanne sounded sad. (They need you) "Du kan ikke opgive dem. De er dine børn lige så meget som min. Men hvis du vil have tid, tag det. Dette kan dog ikke fortsætte for evigt, og du ved det!" Hanne added. (You can't abandon them. They are your kids as much as mine. But if you want time, take it. However, this can't go on forever and you know that!)

Bryan and Patricia weirdly stood their listening to their conversation and not really understanding a word. Soon, came a man who seemed to be Patricia's husband. He walked to the crowd and kissed Hanne's cheek. Patricia noticed Mads' eyes to be full of anger. Just then, he did something equally weird and terrible which really changed the course of all of their lives.

"And I forgot to mention, this is Patricia," Mads chirped. What are you doi- "My girlfriend".

Patricia's eyes widened as the man faced her with a smile for the very first time in five months. I think he wants me to play along? Patricia gulped and moved closer to her boss. She smiled at the couple who looked as confused as she was inside.

"Yeah, hi," Patricia gave a weak smile.

"But I thought she was your assistant," Hanne raised one of her eyebrows.

"Oh you know the gist, it's hard to resist someone as beautiful as her," Mads slipped his arms around her waist tightly. Fuck, Mads.

"Yes, of course," Patricia let out a nervous chuckle.

Before she could react to the situation, she felt tickles down her neck as he breathed on her ear and a low groan was heard. Patricia could feel the sensations down her lower stomach. Never did she even imagine being in a situation like this, moreover with Mads.

"Good to know, Mads. We'll have to go now, we're flying to Denmark to see the kids," Gerhard said, his voice rough.

"Sure, bye! I'll also be going on a date with her," Mads winked and Patricia, more than anything, wanted to get out of here.

"Du kan bedre se børnene snarere end at danse en pige halv din alder, Mads," Hanne scowled at her ex-husband. (You better see the kids soon rather than dating a girl half your age, Mads.)

The woman glared at Patricia before leaving with her new husband. Patricia knew that Hanne wasn't pleased to know about the new false revelation. Mads seemed worried too, maybe thinking that whatever he did wasn't the best move. As soon as they both realised that they were in very close proximity, Mads shoved her away.

"I should expect a thank you from you," Patricia rolled her eyes.

"Mads, are you sure of what you just did?" Bryan finally decided to speak. "What did she say before leaving?" he added.

"Something very stupid," Mads replied.

"I want to know what she said," Patricia insisted. "It seemed as if she said something about me".

"It's not important," Mads replied. "I need to go home," Mads walked away from the duo.

Bryan and Patricia exchanged looks before hopping on their separate cars to home. The day was long and weird. She didn't want to think about what happened with Mads and his ex-wife. She was least concerned. What she really thought about was her conversation with Spike Jonze. She really wanted this to happen for herself. It could be her next big break. As soon as she reached home, she got a call from an unknown number.

"Hello? Is it Patricia Blanco?" a woman spoke over the phone.

"Yes, who is it?" She asked back.

"I am Martha, assistant to Tim Bevan. I think you sent in a script for a movie to him a few weeks ago?" the woman asked her ever so politely.

"Yes," Patricia nervously replied.

"Mr. Bevan would like to speak to you on this tomorrow sharp at 16.00 at his office," Martha informed. "Are you in Los Angeles at the moment?" she asked.

"Uh, no but I can make it in time for the meeting. Count me in!" Patricia chirped happily.

"Alright, I am not so sure if you'll be able to make it but I'll keep the appointment. Mr. Bevan doesn't like to be kept waiting," Martha pointed out sternly.

"Yes, don't worry, I'll be there on time," Patricia said before the phone was hung up.

God damn! Patricia danced to her apartment. She couldn't believe that she was finally getting the sea of opportunities. Her phone buzzed. A text from "Retard".

"Pack your bags. We're leaving for L.A in an hour," read the text. Mads is my fairy Godfather!

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