3. Crossing limits

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(Author's Note: Patricia would be writing different scripts which might have been originally written by other writers. Just so that it's easy for the readers, I'll be mentioning names of films and/or books released in the past and for fictitious purpose, the story would say that it was written by Patricia).

Patricia has always been the one with a vivid imagination which helped write these detailed scripts in such a short time. She was the kind who couldn't stop writing once she started. She was writing the 5th script of her life and she was almost towards the end. She found herself into a variety of genres rather than focusing on one. The first script that she wrote was in Prague and she named it "La La Land". She originally wrote it as a musical, thinking that maybe it wasn't worth it. Her professor, however, loved the concept and asked her to finish the script which she did later on. The second one was called "Her", a romantic sci-fi which she personally loved writing. The third one's inspiration came right after she finished "Her" and she named it "The Danish Girl" which is of the drama genre. The fourth one was "The Martian" which is a Sci-fi.

The one that she was writing now was called "The Hunt" which is also of drama genre and she loved writing it so far. She was surprised as to how intense the script was so far. Mads was filming for "Arctic" and so Patricia in the mean time used herself in writing the climax. As she wrote the last few lines, she suddenly felt the pages to start becoming wet. Her eyes shot up and she saw Mads pouring tea on her script. Wait, is he really doing this? How dare he! Mads pulled out her headphones roughly and stared at her with annoyance.

"I have been calling you for a good ten minutes. Can you stop your bullshit and be at my assistance?" Mads spoke cockily.

Patricia was trying hard to not slap him across the face, rather she had tears brimming in her eyes. Mads looked away from her.

"Stop your drama and tell me where is my phone," Mads quickly spoke as if he was uncomfortable.

Without a word, Patricia handed him his phone and started packing up her things, including her now destroyed script. Mads looked at her carefully, feeling almost guilty for doing what he did. It wasn't that important, was it? He thought to himself.

"Where are you going?" Mads asked frowning.

"Home, away from you and your crap," Patricia's voice cracked.

"Who'll do the work? I am paying you fo-" Mads was cut off.

"Look, Mads fucking Mikkelsen, I work for you but you make it almost impossible for me to not wanting to kill you every day. If this is your lewd plan to make me resign, then just fire me but I'm not fucking resigning from this. I need the job, unfortunately, until I get myself something better than this. Do your own fucking work for today, I'm out of here," Patricia yelled.

The whole crew stared at the two and watched an angry Patricia storm out the set. Mads clenched his fist and rolled his eyes. How dare she yells at me for no reason! His director gave him a break for ten minutes and he was back in his trailer.

"Mads, you shouldn't treat her that way," Savannah's voice was stern.

"What did I do? She's annoying and I was asking for her for so long," Mads replied as he lit his cigarette.

"She has been as polite as she could be with you but you're making it hard for her to do the job. I mean, come on, she deserves some sort of decency from you. What wrong has she done? Moreover, if you don't like her, just let her go," Savannah fixed his hair. She's good at her job, why else do you think I am keeping her, you idiot?

"She's good at being stupid," Mads confronted a glare from the brunette woman. "I mean, she's good in what she does, that's why she is still my assistant," he added.

"Well, you need her because she handles your thing but don't be an asshole to her. You are so nice to everyone else, why not her?" Savannah asked the man.

"I don't know," Mads quickly responded. She reminds me of her, and I don't like that.

"You should apologize to her," Savannah insisted. "It's not that hard to say sorry".

Mads kept quiet. He sure is nice to everyone except her but he had his own reasons. The woman reminded him of his ex-wife or at least the younger and nicer version of his ex-wife. As soon as the filming was over for the day, he went back home. As much as he hated to admit it, he missed the back and forth arguments that he and Patricia had. He was getting used to annoying her with his snarky remarks and actions. He saw how much he affected her with whatever he did. Mads chuckled at the thought. She always tried so hard to not kill him and he noticed it. Ugh, do I really have to say sorry to this idiot now?

"I am sorry," sent to the caller name "Hag". She well deserves the name.

But then he realized that he needs her to know what else he has for the day. He couldn't just sit at home for the next six hours or so. He didn't like being at home. Bad memories everywhere.

"Suit fitting at 14.00. Skype meeting with Kojima at 16.00. Brunch meeting with Bryan at 19.00," a text from "Hag" soon followed. Is she a mind reader or does she know that I, unfortunately, need her?

"Thanks. When will you be back for work?" another text sent from this side, hoping for some sort of positive from the other.

"Tomorrow. I have to fix what you destroyed. You can live without me for a day," Patricia's reply was fast. These are the times when I don't like her.

"What's so important about that piece of paper, anyway?" Mads' replied, quite genuinely.

"None of your business," the last reply made him roll his eyes. Well, off to the rest of the day without seeing that woman's face. What else could I have asked for?

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