35. Late night piano

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Patricia suddenly jolted up to hear piano playing in the music room. She realised that she cried herself to sleep with Mads holding her. Is it Mads playing?  She followed the music to the music room and found Mads playing the piano (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxqdfCuhU28). She stood there and listened to the melody. She realised it was a lullaby from Pan Labyrinth. He plays so nicely. She smiled weakly before walking up to him and kissing his cheek and realised that his cheeks are wet. Has he been crying? She sat next to him and held his arm. He didn't stop playing the piano. Patricia herself could play piano, thanks to her mum who forced her to learn piano at a young age. 

"Can you play?" Mads asked, and she hummed.

Mads took his hands away from the piano and let her play. So she did (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZNBiPfVwGM). Mads listened to her and held her waist. The melody of the piano and they heart breaks were on the same pace. There was nothing rhythmic about the heartbreak but there was somewhat peace in the keys of the piano. As she came to an end, Mads took over the keys again and played a different tune (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7clTFFF8qs) and Patricia smiled. She suddenly had the inspiration to write a scene for her new script. She ran to her office and brought her laptop to write on the table that sat next to the piano in the music room.

"What are you doing?" Mads asked.

"I think I finally know what to write in the climax," Patricia chirped.

Mads kept playing the tune until she finished writing. She had bits and parts of the scenes done. It was very random but she knew that if she could finish it, it'll be a great piece. 

"Your turn," Mads said. 

You could see the pain in his eyes even with the dim light on in the room. She walked to him and again sat next to him to play a tune (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdtEw53QWOk). 

"I love you," Mads snuggled close to her neck. "You'll get better. I'll do everything for you to get better, Patricia. I am not losing you," he added.

"If anything ever happens to me, Mads, I want you to carry on with your life," Patricia said, keeping a stone on her heart.

"I won't let anything happen to you," Mads kissed her forehead. "I'll talk to your doctor and start the treatment right away," he said.

Patricia laid on his chest while they sat in front of the piano, no one speaking a word. The fulfilness that they didn't want to let go so soon. That night Mads carried her to her bedroom and craddled her until she fell asleep. 

The next morning, Mads made breakfast for both of them. He always knew how she used to complain about her back pain and how many times he begged her to go to the doctor, she never listened. As soon as the breakfast was over, they drove to the hospital and some more tests were run. Finally, it was time to understand what could be done and what was going on.

"So, Patricia is at Stage II of Multiple Myeloma. She is one of 2% people who are under forty and has Multiple Myeloma but that gives her a better chance to heal. Her blood has too much protein in it and I can see two bone lesions. She also has a bit of deficiency on her hemoglobin," the doctor informed.

"What are the probable treatments?" Mads asked.

"We would give her some bone modifying medicines and some other medicines as well. As she has no kidney problems as of now, we are hoping that medicines and chemotherapy will help her recover. We are thinking of a two year treatment plan. I could write down the whole treatment plan for you as well as the amount of money needed for it," the doctor brought out his pad. 

Mads nodded and listened intently about the medicines and procedures. She was highly recommended to stay back in L.A because of her treatment. Mads agreed instantly. The doctor advised for the chemotherapy to start after a week and the medicines to start right away. Mads was going to do everything to cure her. She, on the other hand, tried to stay strong for Mads. After the doctor visit, they went back to her house.

"We have to tell your parents," Mads insisted.

"I don't want them to know about this now," Patricia answered.

"That is not fair to them, Patricia," Mads scolded her.

She didn't speak and kept on typing on her laptop. She just wanted to concentrate on her scripts. Mads informed her parents and they were taking the next flight to L.A. Mads patted himself on the back for doing the right thing. He also rescheduled all his work according to her chemotherapy. He tried to be with her as much as possible. He knew she was going to be sad over this, no matter how much she tried to not be. 

The following night, Patricia finished her script and went to her music room for another piano session. She played a melody that she had once heard from her piano teacher (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0nlu0r9Ee4). She didn't want to be a burden to Mads. She knew how much he loved her and how much this whole situation was killing him. Patricia played as she tried to take her mind off everything.

"That's so sad," Mads commented from behind and Patricia stopped.

"I heard this from my teacher once," Patricia replied.

"Your parents will be here tomorrow morning," Mads informed.

"Why did you leave dancing, Mads?" Patricia asked, dodging the information.

"I didn't leave dance, honestly. I just found a lot more passion in acting," Mads replied. "You will have to talk to your dad, love," he added.

"I know," Patricia answered. "I am not ready to face them," she added.

"You'll be fine. I am here with you, always," Mads kissed her cheek.

"I don't want to die, Mads," a tear slipped down her face.

"Ssh, love. Who will let you die?" He hugged her. "I'll be protecting you," he added.

They embraced each other as the night went off and a new day came. This was going to be a long two years. She didn't know how else she would have lived off without him in her life.

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