42. Prayers

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Mads looked at the woman laying down on the bed. Her heartbeat was slow and steady. Why am I so unlucky in love? First, he lost his first love to a man he never met and second, his love was now in hospital and he didn't know what to do. All he could do was pray for her to get well. The doctor said that she was out of danger and even though the experimental drugs sort of backfired, a lot of the cancer cells died out in the process.

"Can you stop worrying?" Patricia slowly spoke, almost like a whisper.

"I am not worrying," Mads replied.

"Sure you are not," Patricia closed her eyes. "They said that the experimental drugs worked," she added.

"The doctor told me that the experimental drugs took a toll on you and they did think that the cancer cells were suddenly growing at a faster pace but seems like a lot of them died and now," he was cut off.

"I need three to four more sessions and my cancer would be gone for good," Patricia  completed her sentence.

"They are not sure about it yet," Mads informed.

"We can always hope for the best," Patricia held his hand.

"I need to tell you something," Mads' voice croaked.

Patricia stared at him. She didn't really know what to expect. Does he want to end it? Honestly, she wouldn't stop him. All of this was hard for him as well. She didn't want to bother him with her problems.

"Marry me please?" Mads asked as he brought out the ring from his pocket.

"Marry me please?" Mads asked as he brought out the ring from his pocket

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Patricia's eyes welled up. She was speechless. Her thoughts were suddenly not processing anymore and she just quickly nodded. Mads held her hand and pushed the ring in her finger. She was beyond words. He got up on his feet and kissed her forehead.

"This is not how I had planned for it to be but nevertheless, you said yes and that's all that matters," Mads smiled.

She didn't know how to react, even after she said yes to his proposal. She didn't want to be a burden but her heart wanted him, and just him. The doctor walked in after a while and informed them that she can go back home now. Patricia dressed up and then walked out of the hospital. She was still a little tired but she didn't like being at the hospital either. As soon as she walked inside the house, all her family members surrounded her, helping her to her room.

"I called off the wedding," Nathaniel sighed.

"Cut her some slack, will you?" Dahlia, his mother, scolded him.

"What? Why did you call off the wedding?" Patricia asked, shocked.

"I found out that she was cheating on me with a girl," Nathaniel sighed and then cringed at the same time. "I should've seen it coming," he added.

Patricia sighed. She was too tired to actually comprehend the situation right now. Sleep came to her faster than it usually does. The next morning, everyone was getting ready to go back to their homes but Patricia couldn't just leave now. She was advised to not fly for at least a week. Mads also decided to stay back in Naples for a week, and they also informed the good news of them being engagaed.

"I don't want it to be a grand event, honestly," Patricia informed.

"You don't have to worry. We could all just plan a private wedding somewhere," Agnella replied.

"I want it in Ireland," Patricia said.

"Why Ireland?" Mads asked.

"I don't know, I always wanted it there," Patricia answered.

"Then Ireland it is! I honestly don't want to wait," Mads said.

"Aren't you two rushing it a bit?" Dahlia asked.

"I don't want my health to deteriorate, you know," Patricia sighed.

Aunt Dahlia nodded. It made sense because it was too much to take in and the wedding was something which they wanted to get over with. They wanted to call close friends and families only. Mads had already started to look around for venues in Ireland. They chose a date at exactly two weeks from today. 

"I think you both should take some time," Diego finally gave his opinion.

"Papa, I think we both made our decision," Patricia answered.

"I know but you haven't recovered properly yet," Diego pointed out.

"I know, but waiting is dangerous right now," Patricia smiled weakly.

Diego didn't want to argue with his daughter. Surely, he wasn't completely in favor of the wedding but right now, his daughter's happiness is what really mattered. As for Nathaniel, he was heartbroken and had already flown back to Paris. Patricia couldn't blame him, it was just a bad time for all of them. Viola, Carl and his girlfriend, Michelle were all back to Denmark. Patricia sort of felt relieved that Viola wasn't around. 

"Do you think this one is better or that one?" Mads showed the pictures of two different venues.

"I like Killruddery more," Patricia pouted.

"I do too," Mads smiled.

Agnella was making a list of all the family members that she wanted to invite to the wedding. Dahlia decided to take care of the catering but she had to fly back to Paris to her son. Diego decided to take care of the decorations while Mads called all the people from Hollywood that he and Patricia wanted in the wedding. Everything was happening fast but maybe it was all in the right time.

P.S. Hey guys, don't think that the story is over. It isn't yet :) Thanks for being patient.

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