41. The silent parties

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The rest of the day, Patricia and Mads hadn't talked. The next day arrived and they still hadn't talked, even though he was putting his arms around her at night when they both slept. Patricia dressed up for the bachelorette party even though she was dreading the whole thing. She didn't want to face Viola and all she wondered why she hated her so much. What have I done to her? She sighed and looked at herself in the mirror. The theme was to be very fashionista or as she would like to say - fashion forward. Isn't this too revealing for my taste?

 Isn't this too revealing for my taste?

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Urnisha came to her and fixed her hair. She noticed Patricia being very off. Urnisha wasn't trying to poke around her personal issues but she couldn't bear to see her so sad.

"I know Mads and you had a fight. I am sure he'll start speaking to you again," Urnisha patted her on the shoulder.

"Don't worry about me. I know he'll talk to me, he needs to calm down and honestly, I understand his point of view but I know whatever I am saying is true. I don't know what Viola holds against me," Patricia sighed.

"It hasn't been easy for her, I suppose but yes, undoubtedly whatever she is doing is not right either," Urnisha reassured her.

"How are you liking Italy?" Patricia changed the topic.

"Oh, I love it. I have been going around everywhere with my son," Urnisha answered.

Patricia smiled and then got out of the house. She was droven to a small club and/or restaurant where all the girls already started the party. She knew that the night was going to be long but honestly, she would rather sleep right now.

As for Mads, he dressed up for Nathaniel's bachelor's party. He never really understood the idea of a bachelor's party but either ways, he enjoyed good drinks. He drove to the club and as soon as he walked in, the smell of hookah and weed fulled the club. The alcohol scent within all of the other scents seemed absolutely horrendous. He instantly regretted coming to the party but now there was no going back. Everyone was enjoying themselves with women giving them lap dances and strip teases in private compartments.

"Hey man, don't you want a girl?" a friend of Nathaniel handed him scotch whiskey.

"No thanks, man," Mads replied as he took the glass from his hand.

The guy went to his merry ways and the rest of the night was terrible to sustain. It was way too much for his taste and it wasn't that he didn't enjoy the drinks, he just didn't enjoy the company. After two hours, Mads decided to go back home and so he did. As soon as he pulled over in the garage and walked out, he saw Patricia walking inside the house. Seems like none of us liked the parties. 

"How was the party?" Patricia asked him as soon as she noticed him.

"It was okay," Mads replied. "How was yours?" he asked.

"Too many penises in front of my face," Patricia rolled her eyes. "I never want a bachelorette party if I ever get married," she added.

Suddenly the sentence hit Mads. She wants to get married, of course she does. Mads felt his heart feel a sudden warmth. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her but he didn't know how to ask it to her. He bought a ring for her a month ago but never had the guts to pull it out to her. Patricia was going to change her dress when Mads stopped her.

"You look very beautiful," Mads held her.

"Thanks, you look very handsome too," Patricia smiled weakly.

"Are you upset on me?" He asked.

"I think it was the other way around," Patricia replied.

"I don't want to be upset on you," Mads spoked slowly.

"I wasn't lying to you, Mads," she pointed out.

"Can we not talk about this?" Mads asked.

"You can't avoid this, Mads," she crossed her hands.

"Look, I know that all the people here know about your cancer but the media hasn't gotten anything yet. Plus, why would Viola do this?" Mads furrowed his eyebrows.

"The media doesn't know about it yet but they will and Viola hates me, of course he doesn't want me to be with you," Patricia sat down on the bed. "It's up to you, Mads but let me tell you, if things start fucking up between me and you, it will be her," she added.

"Can you stop accusing my daughter for something she hasn't done?" Mads' voice raised.

"I honestly wish you could see what I was talking about," she rushed to the bathroom.

Mads sighed. He didn't want to argue with her again about this but they always ended up talking about this. He got changed and went to bed. After a bit, Patricia called for him in the washroom. At first he didn't think it was her but after hearing a yelp, he ran to the bathroom only to find her near the sink, holding the wall.

"What happened?" He held her and felt all the weight pushed on him.

"It's blacking out," that's the last thing she managed to utter.

The sirens of the ambulance filled the house in the next few minutes. She was rushed to the hospital. Her heart beat suddenly falling and her finger tips going cold. Mads could feel his tears down his cheek. The emergency unit was filled with all her family members in the following hours. She was not in a good position. Her experimental drugs backfired on her and her cancer cells were doubling suddenly at a faster rate. Mads didn't know what to do. I wish I asked her to marry me. Oh God, please save her. He prayed to the God he hadn't prayed in years. He would have traded his own life just to save hers now. The rush in the emergency unit got more by the hours. He didn't know what was going on and for once, he just wanted everything to be alright. He wanted his woman to be better, just like before.

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