20. Birthday surprise

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Around 11.00 PM both Natalie and Patricia walked out of the restaurant. They were laughing how much they had eaten. Natalie joked about how the restaurant authority wouldn't let them come again because they'd end up eating everything. Before Patricia could get into her driver's seat, Natalie stopped her.

"I'm driving today," Natalie insisted.

Patricia furrowed her brows before standing aside. Natalie mumbled a 'thank you' before sitting inside the car. Patricia sat shot gun and had absolutely no idea where she was being taken to.

"Dove stiamo andando?" Patricia asked. (Where are we going?)

"Ti sto rapendo, ora stai zitto!" Natalie replied. (I'm kidnapping you, now shut up!)

Patricia rolled her eyes and soon they were infront of a park. She looked around to see that it was "Edwards Gardens". She had never been here before.

"Get out of the car and look around. Someone's waiting there for you," Natalie winked and pushed her out of the car.

Natalie soon disappeared with Patricia's car and she was left alone. She wondered if this was some sort of a joke. She sighed and walked in. She wondered around and suddenly found a box with a beige ribbon on top. She opened to find a box of amazing goodies. There was a beautiful set of lilies' scented spa products for her, wrapped in a soft pink paper with her name written in cursive on the top of the box. Her jaw dropped. What were all of these? She closed the box and walked a little further to find another box with her name on it again. This time it was a box filled with white roses and her favourite brand of chocolate.

She didn't know if she should be overwhelmed or cringing because these were expensive things. A few walks later there was another box with her name tag. She sighed and bent down to pick it up. There were two notes with the box this time.

"There are many things in the box. I'll have to thank Natalie for helping me with these. Do take a look before walking forward" - Yours, Mads.

Either she is a fool or she is dumb, it was Mads. Of course it's him. Who else would go out of their way? She smiled weakly and opened the box. There were boxes of makeup, of literally every brand that she could think of. Starting from eye shadow palettes to lipsticks to skin care products. Her cousin and Mads were definitely going way out of their way to make her happy.

By now, Patricia was overwhelmed and got teary. Natalie probably bought the whole store for her. She quickly got up and walked further to three more boxes. The first box concealed edible products: teas and biscuits. As a person who was more of a tea drinker, this felt appropriate. She never realised that Mads ever even noticed this about her. When does it stop? The second box had stationaries in it: personalized stand, notepads, pens, and finally the last box was just books.

She finally reached the dead end of the trail and saw a beautiful view up front. Mads was standing at the further end.

"Mads, too many gifts at my disposal right now," Patricia yelled from the other end.

Mads chuckled and walked to her. He kept the gifts aside and then walked her at the middle of the bridge. She was smiling widely. He had given her everything that she loved.

"Did you like the gifts?" Mads asked caressing her cheeks.

"I loved them but what are they for?" Patricia asked.

As soon as she ended her sentence, fireworks went off. She stared at them with her jaw dropped for the umpteenth time.

"Happy birthday, my love," Mads kissed her cheek and hugged her from behind.

That's what she realized that it was her birthday. She had completely forgotten. Tears streamed down her cheek, she was so happy. He kissed her passionately before twirling her around. She felt like she was on top of the world.

"I got you something else as well," Mads brought out a gift box and handed it to her.

"You need to stop with the gifts," Patricia laughed.

"You deserve the best," Mads kissed her forehead.

The beautiful diamon necklace laid inside the box and Patricia's heart pounded in her chest.

"I can't take this," Patricia's voice croaked. "This is too much," Patricia handed him the box.

"Patricia," he breathed out. "No matter what I do for you, it will never be enough for me. You deserve everything of the world," Mads took out the necklace and got it on her.

He wiped the tears from her cheeks and hugged her. Patricia, after a long time, felt like she was at home. She was feeling a lot of emotions together but she would never say it out loud, not now. It was too early. Suddenly the song "Cherry Wine" started and they started dancing slowly. The silence was comfortable and everything felt great.

"All I wanted was to see your smile" Mads said.

"I am overwhelmed, so much," Patricia replied.

They danced and soon when the song ended, he kissed her softly. Soon, they were off to her place but the surprise hadn't ended yet.

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