16. Natalie West

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Patricia woke up with an awful headache. What the fuck am I doing here? The whole filmy don't-remember-anything doesn't happen to her. She remembered every detail of what happened last night and she was flustered beyond words. Suddenly her phone rang and so she realized why she was awake at 7 A.M. in the morning. It was her cousin, Natalie. God damn her! She sighed and received her call.

"Ragazza, ti ho chiamato così tante volte. Sono in piedi proprio davanti a casa tua. Non sei a casa?" her voice screeched from the other side. (Girl, I called you so many times. I am standing right in front of your house. Are you not home?)

"Non sono a casa, sono a..uh..la casa del mio amico. Pensavo venissi domani?" Patricia asked. (I am not home, I am at..uh..my friend's house. I thought you were coming tomorrow?)

"Dovevo, ma sono uscito dall'ufficio un giorno prima. È un problema per te? Dovrei aspettarti qui?" Natalie asked her back. (I was supposed to but I got leave from office a day early. Is it a problem for you? Should I wait for you here?)

"Sarò lì tra dieci minuti, aspetta un attimo. mi dispiace," she hung up. (I'll be there in ten minutes, just wait for a while. I am sorry.)

Patricia quickly got off the bed and realized that she wasn't wearing an underwear. Of course, I am not. She rolled her eyes and tiptoed to the front door. Mads wasn't in sight so she was a little relieved. She got out of his house and soon found herself facing Natalie. Her cousin hugged her tightly and Patricia opened the door for her.

"This is a nice apartment, cugino," Natalie said as she looked around.

"That's your room, I fixed it for you," Patricia pointed towards the spare room. "Do you want breakfast?" she asked.

"I'm fine. You look disastrous. Someone got lucky last night!" Natalie teased. Last night...

"Nothing like that, I'll get changed," Patricia walked to her room and closed the door behind her.

She took a shower, long enough to forget about what happened last night. Her breath hitched every time she thought of what happened. He is good at what he does, absolutely terrific. She moaned but quickly bit her lips. I cannot have myself so weak for someone. She got out of the shower and dressed. She dressed a little different than what she usually wears. Why am I trying to make a difference? She walked out to find breakfast on the kitchen counter with a note.

"Probabilmente sei ancora arrabbiato con me per quello che è successo otto anni fa. Mi dispiace, non possiamo risolverlo come due adulti? Vado a lavoro, tornerò la sera. Fai attenzione e assicurati di programmare qualcosa per me per incontrare quel fusto danese." read the note. (You're probably still upset on me for what happened eight years ago. I am sorry, can we not sort it out like two adults? I am going out to work, I'll be back by evening. You take care and make sure you schedule something for me to meet that Danish hunk.)

Patricia smiled weakly before eating the breakfast and heading out to the set. I have to see him again, this will be embarrassing. She took her car out and drove to the set. She didn't know what to expect but she tried to keep as much of a relaxed look as possible. She parked her car and walked to the set. The movie seemed to be longer than it actually was.

"Cut! Perfect, Mads, loved it," the director spoke and a smirk appeared on Mads' face.

He shook his hand and sat down in his chair. He sipped on his coffee when his eyes fell on the gorgeous brunette who walked towards him. Memories of last night flashed in front of him and he could feel himself getting harder. He kept his calm. She left without saying a word, does she remember? He smiled at her and the smile was returned.

"I am sorry that I am late. My cousin came over to my house," Patricia informed before any question could have been asked. So, that's why you left without a notice.

"No problem, you weren't needed," Mads replied. "Yet," he added with a wink.

A smile crept across her lips and she blushed. He went back to his shoot. She soon got a text from Ridley Scott saying that he found producers from her script and wanted her to come for casting and pre-production work. She gulped and quickly notified that she was on board. Fortunately, the meeting was not today but that meant spending more time with Mads and she wasn't sure where they stood after last night. Maybe I could introduce Natalie with him. She texted Natalie to meet them at "Woodlot" for dinner. She knew that Mads had nothing for the night, according to his schedule. As soon as Mads was done with the shoot, they drove separately to the interview that he had with a magazine. She picked some snacks for both of them on the way to the magazine office.

"Thank you," Mads said as he took the burger from her.

"No problem, I wasn't sure if you had eaten anything," Patricia replied politely.

As they both ate, Patricia shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She didn't know what to talk about with him. They were in a no man's land and that confused her beyond words.

"You look beautiful today," Mads complimented her, awkwardly.

"Thank you! Did you have a good sleep?" Patricia asked. Stupid, stupid question!

"I did," Mads chuckled. "So, what exactly happened last day?" he asked.

"Huh?" Patricia looked at him confused. As if you don't know what happened, you dumb-ass!

"I meant, what made you drink so much?" Mads corrected his question.

"Oh," Patricia phewed under her breath. "Oh, it was just Sean," she replied.

"What did he do?" Mads pressed on the issue. I need to know what that jerk did to her.

"He slept with his colleague who is presumably pregnant with his child. She followed him to Toronto and I was, as usual, a rebound to his mess. Or, to be more accurate, was about to be a rebound to his mess back at home," Patricia answered.

"That's awful. When did you even break up?" Mads asked. "I am sorry to ask," quickly apologizing.

"It's fine! We broke up before I moved to L.A. We were going through break up at the same time, apparently," she chuckled at her realization.

"I am sorry for what happened. He has no right to treat you like that and you're obviously good enough to be anyone's priority. Men would be lucky to have your attention and love. Don't overthink so much. You deserve the best of everything," Mads pointed out and he meant every word.

"That's nice of you," Patricia blushed red. "By the way, you're free tonight, right?" she asked.

"For?" Mads' eyes were full of hope for maybe another encounter like last night.

"For meeting someone," she bit her bottom lip. Sorry to not amuse you, not that I don't feel bad myself. "It's my cousin, Natalie. She is a big fan of yours," she informed.

"No problem, I am free. Plus, I need to have a break from work myself. It's been a long week," Mads answered.

He was soon called for the interview and so he went to the other room while Patricia waited. She didn't want to be awkward with him and she was glad that they were not acting awkwardly with each other. They had some sort of friendship budding and Patricia, for once, liked that.

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