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I'm dreaming my life away,...

A prostitute by the code name of Starlight was lying on a soft bed, listening to a strange device on the bedside table. It was gold in color. It had a long tube where the sweet sounds were being emitted. A thin, black, circular plate was spinning against a thin needle that protruded on the device.

All in all, it looked both bewildering and amazing at the same time in the eyes of the woman.

"I don't know what this device is," said Starlight. "but it sure does captivate my senses. I almost feel reinvigorated!"

"Does it, sweet thing?" a male voice uttered from the vicinity of the window.


Starlight rolled on the bed to face her lover.

"Hey, Rod." she uttered. "Want to go for another round?"

"Sure thing, sweet thing." a strange male voice muttered just beside her. She whirled around in surprise, only to find a dark - clad man wearing a bowler hat lying on the bed beside her.

"W-who are you?" stuttered Starlight nervously. "Rod, who is this man?"

The man gave her a very creepy smile, his cold, steel blue eyes glowing insidiously in the candle light. He cautiously reached for her large, exposed breast, his shiny, white teeth showing through his broad smile.

The frightened prostitute drew back in terror, covering her naked body with the pure, white sheet.

The man frowned in disappointment. He sighed and stretched comfortably on the bed.

All of a sudden, a slightly overweight man came out of the shadows, already dressed in his black garb and looking as solemn as a person in mourning.

"Please, do not frighten her, Kenny." he said.

Starlight helplessly clung onto him. "Who is this man, Rod? Make him go away!"

"I can't."


"Because, I'm here to give you dreams, sweet thing." said Kenny in a clear voice. "Hey, Rod, why won't you tell her where you got that thingamabob?"

Starlight was beginning to shed tears of fright as Kenny took out a long dagger from his coat pocket.

Rod closed his eyes in an effort to drown out the look on the prostitute's face.

"The gramophone has been passed down from generation to generation among the family. It is one of the things my ancestors took before going to this island. Grandfather said it reminded him of the outside world. You can say that it is one of the Reiss family heirlooms." Rod said.

Kenny began whistling as he wiped the blade of his precious dagger with the end of the sheet used by the prostitute, which made the woman gasp in complete terror.

"This is a joke, right? A joke?!" the woman cried hysterically.

"Yes, this is a joke, sweet thing." Kenny flashed his teeth once more. "A very crude joke."


"Forgive me, Starlight." Rod said, removing the woman's arms from his torso. He walked away and looked out of the window.

"Rod - "

Starlight was about to beg Rod for safety when Kenny hugged her from behind.

"You know what?" Kenny whispered to her ear, sending chills down her spine. "I used to love a prostitute just like you."

"Don't you have pity? If you love her, then let me just give you pleasure and let me be!"

"No, no, no. Not that kind of love!" Kenny covered her mouth with his left hand and positioned the dagger against her pale neck. "I respected her, you know?"

He was about to slash her throat when he decided to prolong her life just a bit.

"Are you aware what she's called in the Underground, huh?"

Starlight just shrieked beneath Kenny's hold.

His smile disappeared as he focused his gaze on the man by the window.

"She was called,... Olympia."

Rod was staring at the night sky, trying his very best to ignore the noises made by his bodyguard and the prostitute. A few moments later, the noises stopped. He looked back at the bed and saw the bloody remains of the woman who was once called Starlight. He glanced at the left and saw Kenny sitting on a comfortable chair and lighting up a cigarette.

"Olympia." Rod said like nothing happened. "So, that's what she's called."

Kenny shot Rod an almost petrifying glance.

"How long are we gonna keep doing this, eh?" asked Kenny impatiently. "Why won't you ever learn?! Do you want to repeat that same, old, stupid mistake you did years ago?!"

Rod looked down on the floor guiltily. "Forgive me."

Kenny rolled his eyes. "Tch. You and your unrestrained libido,..."

"How about Sutherland? Did you take care of him?"

"I just did." Kenny blew smoke nonchalantly. "In fact, he was happy about it, that motherfucker."

"You're the only one who's happy about it."

"What now?"

"The plan proceeds." Rod grabbed his coat from the bedpost. "We kill every single person who knew about the secrets of the cult or the Coordinate. Especially the Coordinate. We are still looking for it, so all we can do now is to eliminate them if we can't erase their memories."

Kenny stood up, his cigar still in between his middle and forefinger. "We? Do you mean to say you?"

Rod ignored Kenny's sarcasm, took his gramophone, and opened the door. He went out, followed by Kenny.

"This has been a long night." Rod said.

"Easy for you to say." replied Kenny.

All at once, Rod's men shot the clueless occupants of the inn after three long hours of just pointing guns at them.



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