XXXVIII. Nobleman

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That particularly hot morning of July, Levi woke up to the strange noises coming from one of the rooms downstairs

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That particularly hot morning of July, Levi woke up to the strange noises coming from one of the rooms downstairs.

He opened his eyes, massaged his temple, and stretched. He got up from his chair and went to the bathroom to wash his face, removing all the dirt that accumulated during his stressful two hours of sleep.

Ever since arriving in Shunerman’s mansion, he was feeling uneasy about the things around him. He was not particularly fond of Hange’s plan to disguise themselves as Elvis and Jacqueline just to get near (F/N), and he was not very pleased with all the things that started to happen since last month. Moblit, Hange’s assistant, who was left in the Legion to observe all the things that might be suspicious, recently reported of the latest happenings in Trost while they are away, in codes, of course. And what he reported doesn’t sound good, at all.

Oh, yeah, have I told you that I’ve been reading a fascinating story about the queen who was jealous of her step daughter because of her beauty? He wrote. The queen ordered the best hunter in the land to kill her. When that was not successful, she searched for her, herself, disguised as an old hag who was offering apples. The queen gave her step daughter the apple, which was poisoned, by the way. The girl died instantly, with no hope of salvation. The queen gave her step daughter the apple, which was poisoned, by the way. The girl died instantly, with no hope of salvation.

Of course, Moblit had to write the last two sentences twice. It was his way of saying something urgent, and from the looks of it, someone had already died in the Legion. Not that they are not used to people dying a lot in their division.

It simply meant that someone died, not because of Titans.

But, because of something more sinister.

The enemy has already started killing off the witnesses in the Legion, one by one,…

Levi groaned upon hearing the strange music once more. He checked himself in the mirror, double checking if his appearance ( and disguise ) is okay, and finally went down to see what was wrecking Elvis Shunerman’s mansion in half.

What he found there absolutely annoyed him, for there was Hange, in disguise, naturally, conversing with three unknown people wearing formal attire, like they were doing business or something.

Hange, who was free to wear her thick – lensed glasses inside the mansion, didn’t fail to notice Levi, who was standing at the doorway, giving her dagger stares. The woman smiled broadly and went to him like everything was okay.

“What the shit is this, four eyes?” he whispered savagely to her.

“They’re from the dance company, Levi.” She answered.

“Then, what the fuck are the stars of leotard town doing here?!” he almost shouted in her face.

Hange had to bite her lip to prevent herself from laughing. “Well, we are going to attend the Winter Season ball, aren’t we?”

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