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Erwin Smith did not arrive on that day that (F/N), Jonas and Ivanna met him

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Erwin Smith did not arrive on that day that (F/N), Jonas and Ivanna met him.

As a matter of fact, he arrived six days later after receiving the missive from his friend, Nile Dawk.

Nile entered the bar that evening, already tired from his work as the Commander of the Military Police. He honestly wanted a shot or two to ease his stress, but he didn't come here to drown his miseries of being the most stressed person in the Police, no.

It was because his friend, Erwin Smith, arrived six days later after receiving the missive from him.

The man dodged two women, probably prostitutes, who started offering him their company, made his way past several tables, one of which sat a tall - looking man who haven't removed his black bowler hat, and finally arrived at the counter to meet his friend.

Surely enough, he was there, sitting at one of the bar stools, drinking beer, and looking as devastatingly handsome as he did twenty years ago. As if he didn't age a bit.

Nile clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Why do this man have it all?

"Still fond of beer, huh?" he said, situating himself on a stool beside the Commander of the Scouting Legion.

Erwin just smiled at him and continued drinking.

Nile raised his eyebrows and tried taking away Erwin's mug.

"Hey, hey, hey! Drink something else, will ya? You can't handle this stuff, remember?"

"You're beginning to sound like Marie." Erwin muttered, ignoring Nile and finishing his mug of beer. "Speaking of her, where is my apple pie?"

Nile sighed. Well, at least he's not that drunk. Yet.

He opened his bag and produced a small, white box.

"I hope it's not ruined. Ivanna has been trying to snatch it away from me at least ten times this morning before I left for work. The kid adores sweets." he said and handed his friend the box.

Erwin took it and cautiously opened it, revealing a decent amount of apple pie, its delicious scent already wafting its way towards his nose. He smiled and took a slice, instantly taking a bite, his greed for the thing already making him forget to offer some for his friend.

Nile ignored this and called for the bartender, ordering whiskey for himself.

"About your message,..." Erwin began.

"Ah, yes,..." Nile said, receiving the glass of the alcoholic beverage from the chubby bartender. "I do hope you're prepared for this. But, are you sure about this? I mean, I told you to just see her for yourself. Why didn't you just drop by our house like what I specifically told you?"

"I'm not,... ready." Erwin whispered, his voice barely audible with all the other noises that surrounded the whole place.

"I see." Nile took a sip of his drink and stared at the bartender's cabinet containing all kinds of bottles of spirits. "Well, she, ah,..."

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