XXVII. Shunerman

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Elvis Shunerman, age 27, happily announced at the bar that night that he was one of the lucky recipients of the King's Migration Grant. He also announced that he was engaged to his long - time lover, Jacqueline Baxter, who also happened to be one of the recipients.

He was also very, heavily drunk.

He came home that night, crawling out of the carriage after being almost kicked out by its driver. He closed the door, groggily went towards the sofa and collapsed on it, tired, yet happy.

His eyes were about to close when he suddenly heard a voice.

"Is this the house?" a deep male voice whispered.

"I'm positive of it." a female voice answered.

"You know this is treason we're committing here, Hange."

"But, we have to do this, Levi! We already took Jacqueline Baxter's papers, so there is no turning back."


Elvis struggled to get up from the sofa to face the intruders after hearing his beloved Jackie's name, except that he couldn't see clearly because of his current drunk state.

"W-hat are you - hick! - doing here?" he said in a slurred voice.

There was a few moments of silence, then the female said, "You're just dreaming, Elvis. Go back to sleep."

"Oh. O - hick! - kay."

Elvis was about to lie on the sofa when he heard the male asking him.

"Hey, brat, can I borrow your migration papers?"

"Yeah, Sure - hick! - thing."


"Just - hick! - don't forget to come to my - hick! - wedding, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah,..."

"Levi, I got the papers. Let's go!" whispered the female.

"The - hick! - papers,..." stuttered Elvis through his drunken hiccups.

"Yeah, the papers." the male said. "Thanks, Elvis."

Elvis smiled and finally went to sleep.

It was on the following day that he finally realized that he was not dreaming.

"What is this shit?!" the guard said after examining the papers that Elvis and Jacqueline handed him. "These are falsified!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" shrieked Jacqueline angrily, gaining suspicious looks from the people near the gate to the Capital.

"I said that these documents are fake!"

"I don't understand." Elvis muttered, taking the papers from the guard's hand. He examined it and noticed the contents of the documents. It was, indeed, fake.

Then, he remembered the voices last night.

He gulped audibly.

"What?!" Jacqueline, who was not used to public shaming, said and irritably looked at Elvis.

"I thought it was a dream, but, I think I was double crossed,..."

And so, on that day, Elvis received a grim reminder that being thoroughly drunk for just a simple celebration could lead to far more unfortunate and uncontrollable things,...


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