LXV. Home

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It was late afternoon when they finally arrived at the old Ral farm. And when they finally arrived, they found out that the Reeves Corporation is already tearing down the place.

"Bucky, we'll stop right here." ordered Claire as she observed how the men worked at the fields, how they dismantle the stables, how they put 'keep away!' signages around the property, and how they start tearing down the little house, itself, where (F/N) grew up.

"Grandma," began (F/N) worriedly as she gazed at the old woman's tired figure - a clear indication of her fatigue for travelling for almost a day from Orvud to the remote village near Trost in Wall Rose.

However, the old woman just held up an authoritative hand. "I'm fine." she said, then put on her wide brimmed hat to cover her face. After that, both women got out of the simple carriage they rented to prevent the snooty majority of Wall Sina elites from noticing them.

(F/N), upon stepping foot on the now chaotic land where she used to play, was beyond distraught. She was both angry and sad.

"What are you doing with my family's land?!" (F/N) said as she grabbed the shoulder of a farm hand who was helping Reeves' men.

The farmhand just looked at her with utter disdain and shrugged his shoulders as if none of those things he was doing mattered.

"Dunno, Miss." he said to her. Then, he pointed at the main man who was shouting orders left to right to his fellow workmates. "Just ask the man, himself. If you can."

But, before he could even tell (F/N) that, she was already determined to storm her way towards that man. And when she finally got there, the man acted as if he didn't even notice her.

"Excuse me!" (F/N) screamed to let herself be heard above all the noise these men were making. "I demand you to let me know what you're doing with my family's land!"

And to (F/N)'s utter disgust, the man they called 'Boss' remained unfazed by her presence.

Her shoulders dropped. She felt so humiliated upon being ignored like a foolish child. And when she looked back at her grandmother, she saw the old woman nod and turn to Rogers, who cleared his throat, strode towards the Boss, and grabbed his shoulder to finally call his attention.

The Boss turned and was shocked upon seeing the tall Head Butler who stood much taller than him.

"What do you want?" the Boss grumpily asked Rogers.

"My Lady demands you to let her know what you're doing with her family's land." Rogers answered in a clear and intimidating voice.

But, the Boss did not seem to care in the least. He just looked at Rogers in the eye and snickered at him.

"Oh, was that your master?" the Boss sarcastically said. "I thought it was just a little squirrel begging for food!"

To this, all the workers present all laughed, making (F/N) as red as beetroot.

"I've had enough of this." Claire said then strode towards the men. Rogers noticed this and tried to stop the Duchess from making a scene and failed. The Boss noticed her and looked dow upon her as if she was his own grandmother.

"How can I help you, ma'am?" the Boss uttered in a mocking voice that finally ignited the flames of anger that the Duchess was keeping the entire time.

"How much does this land cost?" she said, all the while gritting her teeth.

The Boss heard this clearly and he honestly thought that he was just hearing things. "Come again, granny?"

"I said, HOW MUCH DOES THIS FUCKING LAND COST?!" the Duchess blurted out, finally exploding in anger.

The workers, including the Boss, himself, went quiet as they watch the Duchess stand right in front of them like they're animals. The smile on the Boss' face vanished as he went closer towards the Duchess.

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