LIV. Advice

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"What the hell are you doing there?"

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"What the hell are you doing there?"


"Why are you sitting on the floor?"

(F/N)'s eyes widened at what Hitch just said. She looked up from the papers she was reviewing and glanced at the floor beneath her. For some reason, she was so used to sitting on the floor, and she didn't even know why.

"So, you gonna use the desk, or not?" Hitch asked, hands on her waist, eyebrows raised.

(F/N) reluctantly stood up, the feeling of blood rushing back to the veins in her legs stinging her like heck.

"I'm finished, anyway,..."

"So, are you coming with us?"

"Where?" (F/N) asked, rearranging the documents on her uncle's desk.

Hitch's eyes rolled in utter irritation. "The party, remember?"

"Oh! Yeah, I almost forgot."

"What are you waiting for, then? Change out of that stupid uniform and let's go!"

It was then that (F/N) found herself stuck between a very drunk Hitch and some other Military Police girls at the city bar that night. She knew she must help her aunt and uncle locate for their missing daughter, but a promise is a promise. Somehow, her stupid self had let Hitch to convince her to come to this party last Monday, telling her that it was for some sort of celebration. But, for what, anyway?

"Hey, Hitch? Hitch!" (F/N) screamed, avoiding the projectile of vomit that came from the girl on her left.

"W-wut?" uttered Hitch in a very slurred voice as she scanned the room for cute boys.

"What are we having this party for?"

"Oh! Haven't you - hick - heard? Me and Marlowe just - hick! - broke up last week!"

"Oh. Okay,..." (F/N) said, then pondered for a while. Wait! She and Marlowe - ?! "What?! I didn't even know you were in a relationship!"

Hitch only giggled at this. She gestured for the bartender to bring her another drink. "Well, now you - hick! - know."

(F/N) suddenly became embarrassed of the situation and just focused at the glass of champagne on her hand, hoping that Hitch would not notice her reddened cheeks.

"S-shouldn't you be celebrating right now? I-i mean, you just broke up with someone you love,..."

"Love? Hahaha! Come on, (F/N)! Do you think that love really exists?"

She looked up at Hitch, startled and surprised at what she just heard from her.

"Well, yes, I do!"

The look of amusement from Hitch's face suddenly vanished to be replaced by sarcasm. "Oh. I almost forgot. You finally got engaged with the man of your dreams." she said, then started clapping her hands. "Bravo, (F/N). Bra - vo!"

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