XLIII. Whole

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It seemed that it was just another ordinary day.

(F/N) chose not to go to work that day. It’s not that she’s being lazy, no. The events that occurred a week ago took a toll on her well – being. She didn’t really remember much of what happened that day except for Kenny helping her to get up, but after that, she got really sick that she couldn’t get up from her bed.

Sometimes, Erwin would visit her, bringing her flowers and reassuring her that she would get better soon. They would have long, nonsensical conversations, and over time, she learned that the man known as the former Commander of the Scouting Legion was not so straight – laced or boring, after all. He made her smile, made her laugh, and made her feel better. She was happy spending time with him.

It seemed that it was just another ordinary day.

And it was on that day that she realized that there was something missing. It’s as if there was a hole in her heart that Erwin, himself, could never fill, despite all his efforts to make her happy.

(F/N) sighed and shifted uncomfortably on her bed. It was a really warm afternoon. The curtains weren’t drawn, despite Marie’s urging to let fresh air enter her room. She was still in her night gown, refusing to get up and change into a different kind of clothing. She just didn’t feel like it.

What’s wrong with me? She asked herself for the hundredth time that day, seeing that she couldn’t do anything to lift her own spirits up.

It was then that she heard noises just outside her room. She heard someone speaking in muffled voices and she actually heard a deep voice talking in response.

Oh, it’s Erwin. He has come to visit me again,… she thought,…

… but didn’t feel any excitement, at all.

The door slowly and quietly opened, as if the visitor didn’t want to wake the occupant up. She waited patiently for Erwin to greet her,…

… when a raven – head laid steel – blue eyes on her. Not blonde hair, not blue eyes,…

it’s him.

Levi was a bit startled upon finding out that (F/N) was awake, fully expecting her to be asleep that time of the day.

Just like Erwin, he had been visiting her frequently. Although he chose times like these when (F/N) was surely asleep, he never failed to bring her gifts such as flowers or foods. He didn’t miss a single day. He was always there for her, despite her not knowing it.

So, his eyes actually widened upon seeing her awake. And he was never prepared for this moment.

But, if Levi wasn’t prepared for this, neither was (F/N).

Upon seeing him, her heart beat escalated into alarming heights. Her eyes felt like popping out of its sockets. Her fists decided to have a mind of its own by clenching the pure white sheets of her bed. She was clearly caught off – guard.

But, despite all that, she felt happy. It wasn’t just any kind of happy.

She felt complete. Whole.

So, it was you who was missing. She thought, then smiled at him. This gesture clearly surprised Levi.

“Well, are you going to stand there all day?” she joked, her voice still a bit hoarse.

“Oh! I – “ Levi muttered, entered the room, and closed the door behind him.

He’s stuttering again. It’s so cute.

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