L. Cult

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(F/N) was desperate to find some solace, or in her current state, something to calm her chaotic senses

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(F/N) was desperate to find some solace, or in her current state, something to calm her chaotic senses.

She absolutely didn’t like any minute she spent inside Reiss’ mansion, let alone her encounter with the nobleman’s lady.

As the music was being played and as people scattered in groups to either chat or plan on how to snag their next partner for the next dance, she made her way towards a footman who was offering something to drink.

It was then that some lady who was taller than her grabbed her arm, making her look towards her.

“(F/N)?” the lady said in a very hoarse voice that sounded forced. She was sweating really hard and her makeup was slowly getting ruined.

“Ah, can I,… ah,… help you?” (F/N) asked, confused as to how the mysterious lady knew her name. Or was it the gossiping old ladies?

The lady’s teal green eyes flashed with something she couldn’t even tell. Slowly and seemingly with great control, she spoke.

“I know who you are.” The lady said, her voice sounded strangely an octave lower. Almost in a baritone.

“I beg your pardon?” (F/N)’s sight started whirling, confusion getting the better of her already stressed mind.

The unknown lady snapped her eyes shut, and when they opened once more, they were filled with anger mixed with,… was that agony?

“I can tell you everything you need to know, but you have to come with me now!” the lady painfully gripped both of her arms, as if to make her point come across.

(F/N) just laughed hysterically as the pain in her arms became even more intense. Like a man was gripping her, and not a lady.

“I’m sorry, I don’t really understand,…”

“Amnesia! You have amnesia! My father told me of the disorder before! I – “

“Is there something wrong here, ladies?” a gentleman asked, effectively putting a stop on the lady’s crazed account about her disorder.

“N-nothing! Just a friendly conversation, My Lord.” (F/N) lied. “Nothing to be worried about.”

“Alright then,…” the man uttered, still looking at the lady suspiciously before making his way back to his own group.

After breathing a sigh of relief, (F/N) turned back at the lady, whose curled, brown hair started looking like a complete mess.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. But, if there really is some truth in your words, I want you to prove it to me right now.” (F/N) demanded.

The lady seemed to be agonized even more. What’s more, she started panicking. Like some killer was after her.

“I can’t! Not now! I kind of acted on my own here! Captain Levi doesn’t know I – “

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