Missive, Hange Zoe to Moblit Berner

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( Dated 1, July, 850, Respectively )

Moblit, I think your children's story book sounds a bit macabre. No offense. I'm not saying it's bad. I just think you should wait for the perfect time and opportunity to let Berg publish it. You might upset some readers, you know?

But, you are asking for my suggestions about the story, am I correct?

How about this?

Days passed, and still, no sign of the Shepherd. It turns out that he was invited to the biggest feast the land has ever seen. It was held by none other than the noble, who let his guard dog loose, himself.

Why did he go, you ask?

Because the good Shepherd knew all along that the guard dog did not get loose accidentally. He was actually let out intentionally. And the Shepherd would soon find out the reason why, as he decides to know more about the noble who let the guard dog loose.

Ah, forgive me, but, I really suck at story telling. But, how was it? Do you like it? If you have any more ideas about your story, just let me know immediately. If you have any more ideas about your story, just let me know immediately.


Hange Zoe

P.S. I'm very sorry for the delay, by the way. I was actually immersed in this new romance that came out in the bookstore. It's a story about a girl who was cursed to sleep for a hundred years. The curse will only be lifted by true love's kiss. So, the Prince comes to the rescue. But, there is a problem. There is another Prince who wants to give the Princess a true love's kiss! Isn't that romantic?


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