Missive, Nile Dawk to Erwin Smith

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( Dated 20, June, 850, Respectively )

How are things in the Legion? By the way, I just wrote to tell you that (F/N) has been doing great. She is quickly recovering and it looks like my kids are getting attached to her. So is Marie. But, I think I must tell you something really important regarding her. Well, the doctors said that it is temporary, but they also confirmed that it may be a long - term thing about her. Permanent, even.

The thing is, well, I can't really tell you here. You must go here and see her for yourself, so you would know. I'm sorry, but my hands are full as of the moment with Sutherlands' case and the migration thing. Not to mention Rosemarie's debut in the Winter Season. The girl has been bugging me with dresses, for crying out loud. What's a father to do with his daughter's dresses? I could imagine you laughing at me right now. You can just drop by here anytime you like, but, please, do so immediately.

Not for me. For (F/N).

Your friend,

Nile Dawk

P.S. Marie's gonna make your favorite apple pie, so you better hurry.

- N.D.

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