Missive, Moblit Berner to Hange Zoe

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( Dated 29, June, 850, Respectively )

Greetings, Section Commander Hange Zoe. I hope you are doing well on your well - deserved vacation. We are all doing fine here, me and my fellow Scouts. Keiji began taking apprentices regarding his work as a budding scientist specializing in Titans, I thought you should know. You would be very proud of him. On the other hand, I think Nifa and that new recruit called Armin Arlert were getting along just fine. Too fine, if I may say so, myself. If you know what I mean. As for me, well, I'm working on a story book that I'm planning to share to the public next year. It's entitled, "The Shepherd Who Left". Anyways, this is how it goes;

Once there was a Shepherd who owns a hundred sheep in his vast, vast, green, green land. The Shepherd was very diligent in taking care of his sheep. He doesn't let even one sheep, or lamb, get ill, or get in trouble. He does everything he can to keep them safe from the wolves that normally wander outside his fields. Although it could not be helped that one or two sheep would die of natural causes, or, unfortunately, of wolf bites, the Shepherd would make it a point to not let their deaths be in vain. He was the best Shepherd in the land.

One day, the Shepherd had to take care of a business that he deemed even more important than his sheep. So, he had to leave. About a month later, the guard dog owned by a noble of the neighboring land escaped from its cage and started killing the sheep from different fields, which vastly frightened the good Shepherd's beloved sheep. One day, the guard dog attacked a place not far from the Shepherd's property, making the poor sheep afraid for their own lives. For the Shepherd is away, and no one would protect them, should the guard dog decide to attack them next.

So, how was it, Section Commander? Do you like it? Could it pass as a children's picture book? Do you think Berg will accept and publish this?

Anyway, that is just the first part of the story. Do you have any more ideas for the next part? If you do have any suggestions, send me your response immediately. If you do have any suggestions, send me your response immediately.


Moblit Berner

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