Missive, Mr. Ral to (F/N) (L/N)

998 42 14

( Dated 23, December, 850, Respectively )

( Letter was attached to a box containing gifts )

( Not received )

Dearest (F/N),

How are you doing, dear child? I hope you don’t leave the Headquarters without your coat. I don’t want you to get ill or anything. And please, don’t forget your umbrella. Don’t stay outside for too long. I know you hate catching cold.

Anyway, I sent you these gifts. I baked you your favorite pumpkin cake. I know it’s late for the Harvest Festival, but I’ am pretty sure that you’ll love it. I also sent you some of your favorite candies. Now, I know you’ll scold me for spending money on treats, but you must allow me, just this one time. Your father knows how much you missed them. I also put inside this box three coats for the winter. I’ve heard from a neighbor that we’ll be having a really bad one. It’s good to always be prepared.

And lastly, you will notice that I placed another box inside the package. Inside is the dress your mother made for you for the Winter Season. Now, you must first read these words from your father. I know you were not expecting any invitations for the said event, but who knows, am I right? You are very beautiful, my dear child. I’ am not joking. Others may have considered you plain, but I know deep in my heart that you will be the most beautiful person there. And, not only that! You're a very nice person! You always see the good in everything. And I’ am very sure that it is the same thing your beloved mother will tell you if she’s still here. And I’ am very sure that your mother would want you to wear it. I know she’ll be very happy. I know we failed with Petra, but this time, I know that you’ll be there. I know that someone will invite you, believe me.

You are a very good child, and I miss you so much. New year is also approaching. I do hope that you’ll come home this time to celebrate it with your father.

My coughing sickness is still not leaving me, so I may have to visit a doctor first thing in the morning. But, you don’t have to worry about me, dear! I’ am strong. I have illnesses before, and you witnessed how I survived them like a true warrior!

Now, you must promise me that you’ll come home before the 31st. Don’t forget to invite your friends, and also Captain Levi. It would surely make your old man happy.

I love you.

Your father.

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