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(F/N) looked on the peaceful horizon of her father's land from her lone window

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(F/N) looked on the peaceful horizon of her father's land from her lone window. She was sitting there, all alone, still waiting,...

... still praying that he's somehow out there, still alive and fighting to get back to her.

She closed her eyes as tears began falling down her face. It has been a year, and he's still missing.

But, it doesn't matter. She will wait for him. She will wait, no matter how long it takes.

No matter how many years it would take her.

Until the last embers of her life.

It was then that she heard some noise coming from the front door.

At first, she thought it was just some animals playing near the little house. She lived in a vast field, after all.

But then, something in that noise made her heartbeat double, a sensation she hadn't felt in a long time.

That's when she knew.

Her eyes widened, her hand clenched her embroidery. She stood up and sped towards the door.

And then, she saw how the doorknob twist and turn. She felt how her heart twist and turn.

The knob clicked, making the wooden door open. It opened wider and wider, until the blinding light splashed through the dark room, making it impossible to see her visitor.

Her eyes adjusted for a while, and when they finally did, her eyes scanned the frame of the person who entered her home like it was the most normal thing to do.

Her eyes widened, the sight of the only person she had been waiting for finally making her realize.

He was finally home.

The man nonchalantly dropped his worn coat on a table nearby and noticed the beautiful woman who was looking lovingly at him.

"(F/N)?" he said, letting her hear that same, low voice she loved and longed for. Oh, how she missed his voice!

"Levi," she croaked, her voice breaking, her eyes stinging. "What took you so long?"

Levi's eyebrows furrowed. He looked really guilty. And he looked really tired. He looked battle - worn.

"I'm sorry, (F/N)." he said as he was about to get something from his pocket, but was interrupted when the woman he loved dropped her handiwork on the floor and launched herself towards him, engulfing him in a warm hug, showering him with those little kisses he missed so much.

"I missed you, Levi!" she cried. "I missed you so, so much! I thought you're never coming back!"

"I'm here now, (F/N)." he said as he stroked her fragrant hair. But then, his action of suddenly pulling her away from him startled her and hurt her to the bone.

"Levi, why did you - ?"

He took out a small, velvet box from his pocket, kneeled in front of her, and opened the thing in front of her.

(F/N) gasped at the sight. She covered her mouth, but couldn't prevent herself from crying too much of happiness.

"(F/N) (L/N)," Levi solemnly said. "... marry me."




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