XXXV. Waltz

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(F/N) and Jonas became confused upon taking a closer look at one of the rooms of their home

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(F/N) and Jonas became confused upon taking a closer look at one of the rooms of their home. It was not its emptiness that caused their confusion, no.

It was its lack, thereof.

"What is this mess?" Jonas asked no one in particular upon entering the now messy room occupied by at least six unknown seamstresses, some of them happily chatting with each other while cutting various colors of fabric, one of them silently jotting down notes and checking some sketches, and two of them ordering his sister, Rosemarie, about, making her turn around then back again as she was being measured.

"Its not this mess, Jonas." Said Marie from the corner of the room. "They are here to make your sister and your cousin the dresses they'll wear during the Winter Season."

Dresses? Cousin?

"Aunt Marie," began (F/N) as she went closer to her. "I thought all these Winter Season thing is a joke. I didn't expect it to,..."

"It's not a joke, Miss." The one seamstress, who was formerly jotting down on a notebook, said to her while taking a closer look at her. "We're all here to make you and your sister the most desirable females in this year's special event. Yes. Particularly, you, Miss. For your engagement."

"What en - ?"

(F/N) was interrupted when the two ladies, who just finished measuring Rosemarie, came towards her and grabbed both her arms quite roughly. She was about to make the protest of her life when she saw Rosemarie grinning devilishly at her.

"Your turn, cousin." Her dear cousin said to her while patting her right shoulder, seemingly for support.

"I don't understand." (F/N) uttered as she was made to stand on the platform in the middle of the sunny room.

"Oh, you will, Miss." One stout seamstress answered her as she took out her measuring tape and began wearing it around (F/N)'s tiny waist.

For a few moments, the same thing that they did to Rosemarie happened to poor and confused (F/N), making her lift her arms, turn around, and so forth. And when she finally stepped down the platform, an unknown seventh seamstress came from the shadows and met her. She was a bit taller and looked more sophisticated than the other six ladies, who began catching Jonas across the room as they tried to take his measurements for a promise of the most perfectly tailored suit of the much awaited evening.

For a few seconds, the taller lady observed (F/N), looking at her up and down and making her very much uncomfortable.

"You have a perfect build, Miss Carlstead. Despite your small stature, you have an evenly balanced frame that will actually make you look taller on the right kind of dress." She said expertly to (F/N).

"Eh, thank you?"

"I was particularly instructed to make you a unique dress that should make you stand out among the debutantes of the noble Reiss ballroom. So, I will not let you choose whatever design you like. I will be the one to decide it."

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