XXXII. Eyebrows

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As (F/N) entered the house together with little Ivanna, she saw an unknown man sitting at the sofa in the living room. He was smiling at her.

She was tongue - tied. She simply didn't know what to say.

"Dear cousin, you're back!" Jonas exclaimed dramatically. He just came out of the kitchen.

"Jonas?! I thought you're skipping class ag - !"

The moody teenager hastily covered her mouth shut with his left palm and whispered to her. "Now is not the time! Come with me!"

"But, the guest!" she said with muffled voice.

"Just come with me! This is a life or death situation." Jonas snaked his right arm around her waist and led her towards the kitchen, his other hand still covering her mouth.

The moment they arrived at the kitchen, Jonas freed (F/N), almost practically throwing her to the other side of the room, and locked the door.

"Hey, Jonas, what was that for?!"

"You have to help me, (F/N)!" Jonas begged her.

Strange. She never saw Jonas beg like that before, since he always acted like he didn't care.

"Oh, yeah, let me guess. That's the teacher of the period you skipped! Oh, cousin, you're in deep, deep shit now!"

"NO! That's not my teacher!" Jonas half - screamed half - whispered to her. "Didn't you recognize him? Or are you just plain stupid?"

"Hey, what a way to ask for help, Mr. Sunshine and Rainbows." (F/N) placed her hands on her hips and regarded her cousin coldly. "I don't know him and I'm not stupid!"

Jonas face palmed.

Of course! He thought. She doesn't remember anything from her past! How stupid of me!

He sighed.

"That man sitting outside is none other than the greatest Commander of the honorable Scouting Legion, Mr. Erwin Smith, himself." he explained calmly.

"Yes. And?"

Jonas' jaw dropped. "Don't you care about how high his title is in our society?!"

(F/N) rolled her eyes. "Yeah! So what? And why should I believe you? Why would a man of such importance visit our humble home? He should be in a castle, then! Not here."

"He's probably here to visit you,..." Jonas whispered.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing! But, I want you to do me a small favor."

"What do you want?" (F/N) said and crossed her arms.

"I want you,... to make me look good in front of him."


"I said it! Help me so he could have a good first impression of me."

(F/N) raised an eyebrow. "Why would you want that?"

"I,... I can't tell you!"

"Why not?"

"Please, (F/N). I'll do anything you want. Please." Jonas was actually kneeling on the floor now.

She studied Jonas' eyes and discovered that he was actually saying the truth.

"You will not skip class again."

"I won't!"

"You'll do everything that your mother says."

"I will!"

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