Berg Newspaper Headlines - A Wall Sina Exclusive

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Dated 6th, January, Year 851, Respectively

Spring Is Coming!

By: Hangeee-chan

Goodmorning, fair ladies and gentlemen of Wall Sina! But, should I say, a frosty morning to all of you! The snow sure comes elegantly in each and everyone's hearts and, not to mention, back or front yards as The Winter Season activities draw to a close. With the exception of that awful blizzard that one night last 31st of December, everything is going as smoothly as satin! Balls and Theatres were fairly visited, little gatherings are attended, but most of all, by the grace of our beloved King Fritz, we have our new Honorary Nobles to join us in our ranks!

But, time sure flies as Winter comes to an end and Spring comes with its full glory!

Not to worry, though. Winter Season may be ending, but we will have our big next event - The Summer Season and the little Season in Spring! Balls and hallways would be filled with lovely ladies dancing the night away once more, gentlemen would come in game rooms for friendly rounds of cards, and we would surely hear of the wonderful love stories of youth again! Well, the Season only brings about multiple unions of love over the years ( we would surely be there on your wedding day, Lord Shunerman and Lady Baxter! ).

So, friends, wipe that glum look on your faces, the party is not yet over!

In other news, the eccentric Dowager Duchess of Orvud, Your Grace, Claire Louise Fleminger, has recently become a complete recluse as numerous reports come in of her refusing multiple callers on her home since the day after yesterday. The elite society has began talking about this anomaly and what's worse, she wouldn't give us a concrete statement regarding her and her elusive behavior. But, despite her not giving us answers, her Head Butler has dropped a vague statement regarding the Duchess' well - being;

"My Lady has been suffering from an illness," the Head Butler mentioned. "and denies the company of anyone, save from close friends and relatives, for the time being."

If the Duchess surely is suffering from an illness, here's praying that she would soon get well, despite us knowing full well that she doesn't have any close friends and relatives to begin with.

But, it's not to say that she's lying.

We pray for her speedy recovery.

Berg Newspaper Headlines

Dated 6th of January, Year 851, Respectively

The Mystery of The King's "Secret Organization"

By: Rosemarie Dawk

( Not published )

My heart pounds with fear as I recall the frightening experience we had last week. We had a brush with certain death as some men who claim to be the Military Police came in our residence, bearing weapons, and proclaiming that to murder us would bring about peace and quiet within the Walls.

With the help of someone from this same Military faction ( who I will not mention here ), not to mention the bravery my own sibling took to fight for us, we survived the night with very minimal injuries.

I wonder, if these so - called Military Policemen were sent to bring about justice and peace for the people of the Walls, why would they have the intention of silencing innocent people like us? Would killing us really bring about calm in our city? Did they really consider people like us to be threats of Humanity, when it should be the Titans they are fighting? Is the King aware of this, or is he party to all of this, after all?

Pondering about this, I have come to a conclusion that there was, indeed, a "Secret Organization" working for the King for these matters. I strongly believe that this shady group is the reason behind the disappearances and accidents of some persons over the last few years.

If so, are they, in some way, connected to the Saturn's Month cult that brought about havoc in the district of Trost last year?

I wrote this and I' am sharing you this in order for you to open up your eyes to the truth that has been staring at us for such a very long time.

After all, what King would orchestrate the demise of innocent people for the sake of the greater good?

Missive, Billy Madison to Rosemarie Dawk

( Dated 7th of January, Year 850 )

Good day, Ms. Dawk!

By the time you read this, you must have known that the article you have submitted was not published. To tell you honestly here, Louie Berg did not have any plans of publishing it now, or any day of the year, as he strongly believe that it would only bring about the destruction of the company, and our very own demise at the hands of the King's Secret Organization.

Yes, I as a journalist of Trost, must abide by the law that we must never draw close in matters of the crown as it is taboo.

But, I, as a concerned citizen, truly believes in everything that you wrote. And I truly commend you for having the courage to share this to the innocent people of Trost.

Perhaps we should meet one of these days? Then, we would discuss everything about the things you mentioned in your article? Your time and place, your call.

I deeply aplogize for your article.


Billy Madison of Berg Publications

Missive, Rosemarie Dawk to Billy Madison

( Dated 10th of January, Year 851 )

Good day, Mr. Madison!

I apologize for the delay. I' am honored that my work has, in a way, drew your attention, despite it not gaining the approval of your boss. I understand that my work would surely stoke some unwanted fire within the city, and I' am glad that mistake would never be the death of us. Forgive this journalism rookie, I truly am sorry.

Anyway, I would very much appreciate it if we would meet, like what you said. How about the 31st of January in the Horse Mane Inn near Trost District? We would meet in the afternoon. Then, I would tell you everything that occurred that night.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!


Rosemarie Dawk

P.S.: You might want your boss to tag along with you as he is clearly in need of convincing. I, for one, would allow friends to tag along, as well. For safety.

With regards,


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